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Chimney stacks stock image

Engineers look to improve CO2 storage in coal reserves

21 July 2020

€2m project to explore feasibility of injecting carbon dioxide underground at Polish laboratory

Hand sanitiser

On-campus lab work makes a welcome return

15 July 2020

The School of Chemistry has begun its phased return to on-campus lab work, as national restrictions caused by covid-19 begin to ease.

CMB Measurements

Nature’s oldest light gives new insight into the age of the universe

15 July 2020

New observations of the afterglow of the Big Bang place the universe at 13.8 billion years old

Black hole image

Breakthrough in deciphering birth of supermassive black holes

14 July 2020

Astronomers zoom in on black hole with one of the lowest masses ever observed in nearby “ghost” galaxy

Heathrow airport

Academic knowhow for predictive maintenance

13 July 2020

Partnership for better airport logistics


Spinning chemicals for faster reactions

10 July 2020

Cardiff University scientists discover new method for mixing liquids with promising applications in medicine, agriculture, and the fragrance industry.

Professor Diana Huffaker

Sêr Cymru Chair joins University of Texas

2 July 2020

New role for Professor Diana Huffaker

A portrait of Professor Sir Richard Catlow

Cardiff scientist wins prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Award

26 June 2020

Professor Richard Catlow wins the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Faraday Lectureship Prize

CS Connect chip

Cardiff-led consortium wins £44m bid to develop CS chip cluster

26 June 2020

UKRI funding will build CS powerhouse in South Wales