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Our research bridges the gap between the academic pursuit of knowledge and the needs of industry to innovate and develop.

Catalysis enables chemical reactions to go faster, with better selectivity and at a lower energy cost resulting in cleaner, more economical and more sustainable processes. These attributes put catalysis at the heart of most industrial and biological processes.

Our main expertise lies in heterogeneous catalysis but we have strong links and with experts in every field of catalysis from homogeneous to process engineering.

Who we work with

We work to expand the fundamental understanding of catalytic mechanisms and exploit this knowledge to develop innovative and enhanced catalytic processes.


We work with a number of internationally leading and recognised partners in fields such as the automotive, fuel and chemical manufacturing industries and have helped develop and refine a range of processes through combinations of conventional and innovative methods.

Our partners include:


We have strong collaborations with many of the leading institutions in catalysis around the world. In the UK, the CCI is one of the leading members of the UK Catalysis Hub and we have a significant presence at the Research Campus at Harwell and a strong engagement with the Diamond Synchotron Source.