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Dr Emma Yhnell fitting a brain overlay on to her head

Dr Emma Yhnell shortlisted for RSB HE Bioscience Teacher of the Year 2022

22 February 2022

The School of Biosciences lecturer has been nominated for the prestigious national award, which celebrates outstanding achievement in bioscience teaching at university level

river scene

Exposure to microplastics prolongs infections in freshwater fish

15 February 2022

New research highlights extent of detrimental effects of plastic and chemical pollution on freshwater species

Jack Philp Dance OPTO NANO

Dance inspired by laser microscopy goes on tour

4 February 2022

OPTO NANO is a vivid and energetic journey through the pioneering cell imaging research of Prof Paola Borri

Welsh research could find new triggers of heart attacks and strokes

31 January 2022

Cardiff University-led study to look at links between urinary tract infections and heart attacks

Student Community Award winner 20-21

Meet our Biosciences Student Community Award winners of 2020-21

31 January 2022

Undergraduates recognised for their inspirational contribution to the student community

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in otters across England and Wales – new research

25 January 2022

Study led by Cardiff University Otter Project suggests ‘widespread pollution’ of British freshwaters

Otter populations in Wales show decline, survey suggests

16 December 2021

Cardiff University experts helped survey more than 1,000 sites in Wales

polar bears

Polar bear gut synchrony damaged by mercury from their prey

6 December 2021

High levels of mercury in the digestive systems of polar bears have been linked to decreased gut microbiota diversity, a key player in health, adaptation and immunity

Research films put science at heart of COP Cymru

24 November 2021

Video series demonstrates strength of Wales’s climate research

rainbow trout

Disrupting the body clocks of fish could be bad for their health

16 November 2021

The findings of a new study, co-led by Prof Jo Cable, could have implications for the farmed fish industry