Our community
We aim to create a strong network of professional and academic staff and students to promote our Welsh-language initiatives.
Our core team includes the Dean for Welsh Language and Yr Academi Gymraeg Manager, who work closely with various stakeholders, including the Cardiff Branch of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Learn Welsh Cardiff, and the Vice President for Welsh Language at Cardiff Students’ Union.

Rhwydwaith: Welsh Language staff network
Rhwydwaith is a forum for staff to discuss the University's Welsh Language Policy and the services available to staff, students, and the public in Welsh.
It collaborates with Dr Huw Williams, the Dean for the Welsh Language, and the Cardiff Branch of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (responsible for Welsh language teaching provision) to promote the language within the University.
Whether fluent in Welsh, learning it, or simply interested, staff will receive information and advice about Welsh-language services available for both staff and students as part of Rhwydwaith. They will also be invited to various events, such as talks and coffee mornings.

Welsh Language Champions network
We have a dynamic network of Welsh Language Champions, including at least one staff member from every school, college, and department.
Champions act as the main point of contact for the Compliance and Risk team and their respective schools and departments.
Dysgu Cymraeg Caerdydd
Learn Welsh Cardiff offers a wide range of Welsh courses for adults. They provide various courses and innovative resources, including short taster sessions, beginner courses, and proficiency-level courses.
All Cardiff University students and staff are eligible for free courses.