30 November 2017
Transforming eye care and learning potential for children with Down’s syndrome
29 November 2017
New course prepares students for changing Welsh labour market
27 November 2017
Cardiff partnership claims Research and Collaboration crown.
23 November 2017
Creative Cardiff and BAFTA Cymru bring together the South Wales virtual reality cluster
Established in 1992, medtech and biotech incubator helps some of Wales’ most innovative companies.
22 November 2017
Project analysed arts and humanities partnerships between universities and organisations in South West England and South East Wales
21 November 2017
Residency scheme to support entrepreneurial and innovative thinking
17 November 2017
Adam Dixon one of six global winners.
16 November 2017
Business, government and academia to look at how to improve the carbon footprint of UK housing.
15 November 2017
Students and staff pitch for cash in fifth annual event.
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