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Impact and engagement

The Institute has a strong track record of impacting on policy development, public debate and innovative practice to support the improvement of responses and solutions to the global consequences and challenges of a changing climate and resource depletion.

With research projects funded by the EU, national bodies and other funding organisations in the fields of sustainability science, our researchers work to deliver relevant, robust, high-quality research that is used by policy-makers across Wales, the UK and further afield to support evidence-based policy making.

Sustainable place making in public policy

Institute Director, Professor Terry Marsden discusses sustainable place-making in the context of public policy together with Co-Director Professor Susan Baker and Mr Matthew Quinn, Director of Environment and Sustainable Development, Welsh Government.

Sustainable Place Making in Public Policy video

Who we work with

We connect our academics to industry, business, government and the third sector in Wales, the UK and internationally. Staff from the Institute provide advice and evidence to Welsh Government, the National Assembly for Wales and the wider policy community.

Impact stories

Seed Box

People and Plants

18 February 2019

Join us for the launch of the exhibition ‘People and Plants’ in the Insight Gallery, National Museum Cardiff and accompanying public report ‘Sharing Stories, Sharing Collections.’

Image of a northern white rhino

New hope for world’s most endangered mammal

7 November 2018

Genetic analysis of northern and southern white rhinos reveals new information for species conservation

Sleeping doormouse

Biodiversity vital for future of Wales

10 October 2018

Report explores wider benefits of conservation efforts

Image of Terry Marsden

Brexit and agriculture expert addresses External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee

30 May 2018

Professor Terry Marsden addressed the issue of Brexit and agriculture before the National Assembly for Wales’ External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee.


World’s biggest fisheries supported by seagrass meadows

22 May 2018

Research has provided the first quantitative global evidence of the significant role that seagrass meadows play in supporting world fisheries productivity.

LYEA project

Pilot project to get young people involved in caring for Britain’s waterways a success

19 February 2018

A pilot programme aimed at getting young people from Leicester’s Somali community involved in learning about and caring for Britain’s waterways was a success, researchers at Cardiff University have found.

Seagrass meadow

Global importance of seagrass-based fishing

22 November 2017

Research provides first evidence of the world-wide impact of seagrass meadows

Worcester and Birmingham Canal

Positive impact of nation’s canals hailed with launch of new ‘outcomes’ report

15 November 2017

Glandŵr Cymru launches its first outcomes report to an audience of policy makers and experts.


Agri-food and Rural Development

21 September 2017

Professor Terry Marsden explores the political economy of the agrifood industry and its implications for rural development.


Brexit’s impact on food

19 July 2017

New report warns the UK food system is not ready