A review of the work of Mentrau Iaith, language action plans and the programme to promote Welsh in Aman Tawe
The aim of this research is to prepare a report for the Government of Wales on the work of the Mentrau iaith, the Language Action Plans and the Programme to Promote Welsh in Aman Tawe. It is anticipated that the recommendations will impact on the Welsh Government’s reformulation of Community Language Policy and Planning in the coming years. Read the report on the gov.wales website.
As a consequence of the enactment of the Welsh Government’s ‘Iaith Pawb:A National Action Plan to Create a Bilingual Wales’ in 2003, the Welsh Language Board received significant additional finance to support community language planning. The WLB in turn developed its partenrships with several agencies throughout Wales, including the Mentrau iaith, the Urdd Gobaith Cymru, the National eisteddfod, the Welsh Young Farmers Clubs, Merched y Wawr, Mudiad Meithrin and other agencies which promoted Welsh.