Translation Studies programme ranks highly in 2017 postgraduate survey
23 June 2017

The School of Modern Languages has scored an impressive 92% for overall student satisfaction in the 2017 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES).
The scores for this year’s survey relate to the School’s MA in Translation Studies which offers core training in the theory and practice of translation and gives our students the opportunity to work with academic staff, professional translators, interpreters and employers.
The PTES is a national online survey which evaluates seven thematic areas: the quality of teaching and learning, engagement, assessment and feedback, dissertation, organisation and management, learning resources, and skills development.
Highlights for the School in this year’s survey include 100% satisfaction in a range of key areas, including the quality of supervision, teaching, staff enthusiasm and the supportive atmosphere which enables our students to engage and ask questions.
Dr Liz Wren-Owens, Director of Teaching and Learning said of the results, “We are thrilled with this year’s PTES results especially as we had the highest response rate across all Arts, Humanities and Social Science disciplines in the University. This really illustrates how engaged our students are with their programme and tutors.
“We’re also really pleased with the improvements we’ve made as a result of last year’s survey. An area raised by last year’s cohort was the amount of time allocated to dissertation supervisions, and as a result we doubled the amount of time dedicated to it. It was very pleasing to see that this was not raised as a concern this year, suggesting that the actions we took have been effective.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students who took the time to let us know what is working and what we can do better. We very much appreciate your feedback and will work on the areas highlighted by you.”
More information on our MA in Translation Studies can be found on the University’s Coursefinder pages.