Exceptional enhancement of staff experience
9 August 2019

The Team behind a Cardiff Business School initiative to bring staff, students, family and friends together has been shortlisted for a Cardiff University Celebrating Excellence Award.
The annual Community Day celebration joins initiatives championed by Justine Jenkins from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Joanne Marshall-Stevens from the School of Journalism, Media and Culture in the Exceptional Enhancement of the Staff Experience category.
Open to individuals and teams in Professional Services roles, the award recognises initiatives which seek to enhance the working experience and wellbeing of staff at Cardiff University.
The winner will be selected by a panel of judges who will assess the innovation and impact of each entry as they determine which has helped to embed staff wellbeing within the organisational culture and, in doing so, made an exceptional contribution to ensuring that staff are supported, encouraged and enabled to succeed in their role.
A social occasion
The idea for the Community Day grew from the School’s Shadow Management Board who wanted to give staff, students and other stakeholders the opportunity to share their workplace with family and friends on a social occasion.
In the two years the event has been running, attendees have enjoyed bake sales, live music, games, arts and crafts and face painting activities, yoga, dog shows, tours of the local Fire and Rescue Service’s vehicle and demonstrations by South Wales Police, accompanied by their service hounds and response vehicles.
All proceeds from the event are donated to Llamau, the School’s Charity of the Year.
Dr Carolyn Strong, Reader in Marketing and Strategy at Cardiff Business School and one of the event organisers, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to be shortlisted for a Celebrating Excellence Award for an event which has become something really special for the School over the last two years...”

“It’s encouraging that the University is recognising how events like this enhance staff experience of work. This was a real goal of ours when we were organising the event. After all, like any other workplace, it’s the people that matter. Our Community Day is just one way of celebrating this.”
“It’s a way to say thank you for the hard work of our colleagues in the presence of family and friends.”
Going the extra mile
The annual awards ceremony celebrates Cardiff University staff who go the extra mile, across a range of award categories.
For the 2019 edition, the organising committee has introduced three new categories:
- Excellence in Environmental Sustainability.
- Excellence in Voluntary Contribution.
- Excellence in Service Delivery.
There will also be an extra Rising Star award, so one member of Professional Services staff will also be celebrated alongside an early career Academic colleague.
This year’s winners will be announced at a celebratory dinner held on Thursday 14 November at The Great Hall, Students’ Union, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3QN.