4 September 2019
Two projects from Cardiff University win major funding totalling €3.38m
21 August 2019
New research increases understanding of brain changes in schizophrenia and autism
1 August 2019
Gulf between UK fracking industry and public opinion laid bare as less than 1 in 10 people say regulation of shale gas extraction is too strict
17 July 2019
This week saw the first delegates from Beijing Normal University and Wuhan University arrive in Cardiff for this year’s Psychology Summer School.
4 June 2019
Partnership wins ‘People’s Choice’
16 May 2019
Healthcare accolade for School of Psychology
Vote for ‘People’s Choice’ and win an iPad Mini
12 April 2019
A five-year study has revealed that in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, people must adopt a meaningful low-carbon lifestyle change.
21 March 2019
Understanding the society-wide transformations urgently required to bring about a sustainable, low-carbon future
22 February 2019
Brain Games is set to return to the National Museum of Wales Cardiff on Sunday 10 March 2019
31 January 2019
Cardiff University scientists shed light on processes behind age-related decline in brain structures important for memory
The public may reject further energy transition costs unless energy companies pay their fair share
10 January 2019
Our Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme has been reaccredited by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)
4 January 2019
The Director of the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), Professor Derek Jones, has been awarded an MBE
3 January 2019
University experts recognised in the 2019 Queen’s New Year’s Honours list
20 December 2018
KTP brings home innovation award
18 December 2018
You might be able to spot a psychopath by their eyes
14 December 2018
Hayley Macgregor, a Clinical Psychology PhD student at Cardiff University recently won a Quality in Care (QiC) Diabetes Award.
19 November 2018
Cardiff University forms new drug discovery collaboration for psychiatric disorders
5 November 2018
Survey reveals three quarters of people want the government to ensure products are recyclable and repairable
We provide outstanding undergraduate and postgraduate teaching informed by our leading research in psychology and neuroscience.