25 October 2021
Professors Nick Pidgeon and Tony Manstead, are part of a group of experts providing expert Covid-19 policy advice to Welsh Government.
3 August 2021
Nia Phillips is celebrating with family after a challenging year
7 July 2021
Cardiff University-led research finds people judge pandemic risk by magnitude of policy response
28 June 2021
Researchers from Cardiff University will work in collaboration with Oxford, Bath and Bristol
14 June 2021
A French version of the award-winning Birthday Party film has been created for frontline professionals in French speaking countries.
2 June 2021
New research has revealed more about the impact Covid-19 and lockdown has had on the mental health and wellbeing of people in Wales.
19 May 2021
New analysis suggests lockdown easing is best time to shift people’s eco-habits
7 May 2021
According to new research, adults are more compassionate and are up to twice as likely to donate to charity when children are present.
28 April 2021
Cardiff University research is first to assess impact of COVID-19 on ‘at risk’ children
16 April 2021
People with private gardens or living close to a public park reported better health outcomes during the first lockdown.
7 April 2021
The simulation lab at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS) has been officially launched as part of a virtual event.
25 March 2021
Cardiff University experts are researching ways to use sleep to reduce emotion around bad memories
8 March 2021
Cardiff University research gauged public opinion on crucial new technologies to tackle climate change
12 February 2021
Psychologists develop first ‘mind-reading questionnaire’ to assess how well people understand what others are really thinking
4 February 2021
Neurosciences student was inspired into brain research after struggling with depression as a teenager
26 January 2021
Cardiff University researchers hope self-help app will offer crucial support during COVID-19 pandemic
4 January 2021
More than half of individuals with one of four genetic conditions had significant autistic symptoms, despite not qualifying for formal diagnosis
9 December 2020
New study shows success of direct messages sent via Facebook chat on reducing the amount of red and processed meat in our diets
11 November 2020
Joint research by Cardiff and Swansea Universities suggests large decrease in mental wellbeing from pre-pandemic-levels
9 November 2020
Project will seek to identify steps to deliver target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050
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