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School of Journalism, Media and Culture news

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Public Service Television Inquiry announces Cardiff event

11 March 2016

Welsh audiences to feed in to national Inquiry led by Lord Puttnam

Senedd Building in Cardiff Bay

Understanding the Welsh elections

9 March 2016

University launches new online projects to help public better understand forthcoming Welsh Assembly Elections

An image indicating where inthe world journalists were killed from the INSI report

Research data reveals the risks faced by journalists

11 February 2016

Cardiff University data identifies the most dangerous countries to be a journalist

Jenny Kitzinger

Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment (ADRT)

8 February 2016

Action needed to improve understanding and take-up in Wales

Magnum photojournalist Ian Berry

Photojournalist Ian Berry to deliver guest lecture

4 February 2016

Magnum photojournalist Ian Berry will deliver the second Nick Lewis memorial lecture hosted by Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies.

Ipad in hand, blurred

Women are seen more than heard in online news

3 February 2016

New research using Artificial Intelligence finds men’s views and voices more prominent than women’s.

Lloyd Lewis

Promising Cardiff student called up for Wales Sevens

29 January 2016

Lloyd Lewis called up for the Wellington and Sydney legs of the HSBC Rugby Sevens World Series

University of Leuven

PhD student secures European research opportunity

26 January 2016

Hiu Chan to begin research with Professor Roel Vande Winkel in Belgium

Associate Professor Jake Lynch

Jake Lynch to deliver first research lecture of 2016

18 December 2015

Visiting Fellow from the University of Sydney to open next year’s Research Seminar Series.

Siân Powell speaking to the Welsh Affairs Committee

Investigating the state of broadcasting in Wales

16 December 2015

Academic and industry experts warn Commons Select Committee over funding cuts to S4C

Welsh Language Lecturer Sian Lloyd

The School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies welcomes new Welsh language lecturer

7 December 2015

ITV journalist Sian Morgan Lloyd takes the reigns of Welsh language module Yr Ystafell Newyddion (The Newsroom)

Refugees at the slovenian border with Croatia in Slovenia.

Small World: A Debate on Media Coverage of Global News

1 December 2015

Cardiff University to Chair debate discussing the media’s coverage of global news featuring senior UK news directors and editors

ipad and phone

Community Journalism course returns in February

19 November 2015

Course has directly resulted in establishment of community news websites

Centre for Community Journalism wins Cardiff University award for ‘Outstanding Contribution for the Community’

Award recognition for Community Journalism team

10 November 2015

Centre for Community Journalism wins Cardiff University award for ‘Outstanding Contribution for the Community’

Teaching in the School of Journalism, Media and Culture

Meet the School’s new staff

5 November 2015

With the semester underway, teaching begins for the School's new lecturers

Professor Jean Seaton

Future of Journalism conference 2015

24 September 2015

The conference, now in its fifth iteration, welcomed nearly 200 journalism academics to Cardiff

BMA Award Photo JK

BMA Award for ‘coma’ researcher

8 September 2015

A Cardiff professor whose innovative research has helped families of severely brain injured patients has won an award from the British Medical Association

Journalism at Cardiff tops the Russell Group table in National Student Survey

13 August 2015

The results of the 2015 National Student Survey (NSS) show that the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies has come first in the Russell Group for overall satisfaction with Journalism.

Stuart Allan - JOMEC

School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies appoints new Head of School

4 August 2015

Professor Stuart Allan has been appointed Head of the University’s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies.

Cardiff University Honorary Fellow Susanna Reid

Alumna Susanna Reid to receive Honorary Fellowship

13 July 2015

Susanna Reid will receive an Honorary Fellowship from Cardiff University at its annual degree ceremonies this week.