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TheLeverhulmeTrust logo

Two Leverhulme Fellowships awarded to the School of Modern Languages

21 July 2014

The School has been successful in supporting two applications to the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme.

Music logo

International Interdisciplinary Symposium: Translation in Music

16 June 2014

Scholars and practitioners in Translation Studies and Music came together for this interdisciplinary symposium.


Cardiff student reaches the final stage of Languages Undergraduate of the Year

4 June 2014

Target jobs ‘Languages Undergraduate of the Year’ search the UK’s best universities to find the most outstanding multi-lingual student of the year.

Modern Languages site screenshot

Boosting our community

21 February 2014

New websites for School of Modern Languages and the Department of Politics and International Relations.

Marie Curie logo

Ruth Kitchen awarded a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship

3 February 2014

Ruth Kitchen has been awarded a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for career development for her SURDITÉ Cinéma Project.

DAAD logo

New German Language Assistant

31 January 2014

The German section has been given the opportunity to employ a “DAAD Sprachassistent” for the next academic year.


Poetry as an Echo-Chamber

22 January 2014

This month sees the publication of German Life and Letters 67, Special Number: Poetry, Poetics and Translation in Anglo-German Relations.

Berlin Wall 1989

GW4 Initiative: And the Wall(s) Came Tumbling Down

27 November 2013

School academics found the GW4 Network for the Study of Socialist and Post-Socialist Europe’.

Poet and novelist Jörg Bernig

German Poet Visits Cardiff

21 November 2013

The School welcomed the German poet and novelist Jörg Bernig to Cardiff in the University’s Glamorgan Building.

Drawing by Max Ernst, German artist and pioneer of surrealism

Funding secured for research into surrealism in the GDR

12 November 2013

Professor Berendse has been awarded a scholarship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.