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Portuguese flag

Portuguese programme leader delivers keynote at Brazilian embassy event

15 June 2016

This May, Programme leader for Portuguese, Dr Rhian Atkin was invited to present a keynote talk at the Embassy of Brazil, London on the annual Day of the Portuguese Language.

Marc Schweissinger

German lecturer awarded publishing contract for analysis of German literature

14 June 2016

German lecturer, Marc Schweissinger has recently secured a publishing contract with Peter Lang Publishers to write a new book as part of their series German life and civilisation.

Karl Turnbull

Chinese learner lands internship with telecommunications giant

8 June 2016

We are home to the University’s Languages for All (LfA) programme which allows students to study a language alongside their degrees.

Japanese Programme Fair

Japanese showcase provides students with exciting internship opportunities

27 May 2016

This May our Japanese department held a Programme Fair co-hosted with the Wales Japan Club to showcase Japanese and the opportunities that learning the language can bring our students.

Learn a language

Welsh school pupils recognised in language learning initiative

18 May 2016

The first cohort of school pupils to benefit from a Welsh Government initiative to encourage modern language learning will be celebrated this week at a recognition event held at Cardiff University.

Dorota Goluch receives her ESLA

Translation lecturer named ‘Student Rep Coordinator of the year’

13 May 2016

The School of Modern Languages is proud to announce that Dorota Goluch, Lecturer in Translation has been named as ‘Student Rep Coordinator of the year’ at the 2016 Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLA).

Jenny Rathbone, Patrick Osborne, David TC Davies and Alex Moscovici

EU referendum debate helps students hear both sides

12 May 2016

The European Union (EU) referendum which will take place on 23 June has been billed as the biggest political decision of a generation. However, many people are still undecided about how they will cast their vote on that day.

Books by Dr António Agostinho Neto

School hosts book launch for Angolan cultural foundation

10 May 2016

We pride ourselves on offering our students so much more than language skills when they sign up to one of our courses.

A German Passport

Doing business in Germany… and beyond!

27 April 2016

All our students have the opportunity to work abroad in their third year for a company or organisation that works in their chosen language of study.

Emma in Italy on her year abroad

Year abroad experience wins Adversity Award for final year student

4 April 2016

Spending a year abroad is a life changing experience for many modern languages students.