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Students take part in an interactive guided tour of the National Museum of Wales’ current WW1 exhibition ‘War’s Hell!’ The Battle of Mametz Wood in Art.

‘Willkommen’ to Welsh school pupils keen to learn about German

1 August 2016

This July we welcomed over 100 school pupils to Cardiff to celebrate all aspects of German Life at our ‘Wales Think German’ Conference.

Modern Languages students enjoy their post graduation reception

Class of 2016 honoured in graduation ceremony and reception

22 July 2016

The School of Modern Languages held its 2016 Graduation ceremony on 14 July 2016 at St David’s Hall, Cardiff.

A Spanish culinary feast

Santander announces volunteer competition for Cardiff undergraduates

5 July 2016

Are you a student who has volunteered in a Spanish-speaking country during your year abroad? If so, Santander Universities, through Hispanic Studies at Cardiff University, has announced a fantastic competition to win £500 which is open to Cardiff undergraduates.

Translation Professor joins delegation to Namibia for Phoenix Project visit

Translation Professor joins delegation to Namibia for Phoenix Project visit

4 July 2016

This June Loredana Polezzi, Professor of Translation Studies, visited Namibia as part of the Phoenix Project.

The EU and UK flags

EU Referendum and the ongoing importance of studying languages and culture

1 July 2016

The teaching and learning of modern languages at Cardiff University is a central part of the University’s mission and this will not change with the result of the UK’s referendum on membership of the European Union.

Think German

Think German – Cardiff hosts German culture and language conference

16 June 2016

An event at Cardiff University this July will celebrate all aspects of German life to help promote the teaching and learning of the language throughout Wales.

Portuguese flag

Portuguese programme leader delivers keynote at Brazilian embassy event

15 June 2016

This May, Programme leader for Portuguese, Dr Rhian Atkin was invited to present a keynote talk at the Embassy of Brazil, London on the annual Day of the Portuguese Language.

Marc Schweissinger

German lecturer awarded publishing contract for analysis of German literature

14 June 2016

German lecturer, Marc Schweissinger has recently secured a publishing contract with Peter Lang Publishers to write a new book as part of their series German life and civilisation.

Karl Turnbull

Chinese learner lands internship with telecommunications giant

8 June 2016

We are home to the University’s Languages for All (LfA) programme which allows students to study a language alongside their degrees.

Japanese Programme Fair

Japanese showcase provides students with exciting internship opportunities

27 May 2016

This May our Japanese department held a Programme Fair co-hosted with the Wales Japan Club to showcase Japanese and the opportunities that learning the language can bring our students.