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10 October 2016
950 years on from the Battle of Hastings, how far did the Norman Conquest impact on diet, habits and health?
5 October 2016
CAER Model Village project gives young people the chance to reimagine their community on film
22 September 2016
A Cardiff University PhD student is shedding light on what the Welsh coastline can tell us about our prehistoric ancestors and the world they inhabited millennia ago in a new BBC2 series.
15 September 2016
Schools Partnership Project gives youngsters chance to design own work placement
14 September 2016
A special Crusader conference honouring scholarship inspired by a Cardiff University professor brings world experts to the Welsh capital.
8 September 2016
8,500 year-old human remains advance understanding of changes in prehistoric diet
26 August 2016
New study shows impact of 12,000 years of sea level rises on Isles of Scilly
5 August 2016
Ground-breaking project to give picture of everyday life from peasants to elite
28 July 2016
Archaeology connects young people with their past and future
13 July 2016
An innovative Cardiff University scheme offering people a way back into education celebrates its second group of graduates this year.