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10 December 2018
New archaeological research challenges perceptions of Iron Age mortuary ritual
7 December 2018
Wellcome Trust grant enables focus on Populations, Energies and Healthy Futures
5 December 2018
Historian and eye witness to fall of Berlin Wall contributes to a new television series looking at some of the world’s most iconic walls.
20 November 2018
Conservation alumnae join the debate
Archaeologist undertaking PhD tells story of links between the British Isles and Europe in new exhibition at world famous heritage site
14 November 2018
Historian undertaking research for new book project
13 November 2018
Cardiff historian to make accessible the letters of four key sixteenth-century figures in Rome
17 October 2018
Celebrating 200 years of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein at Cardiff FrankenFest
10 October 2018
Passion for archaeology sets retired science teacher on new path of discovery
3 October 2018
Ground-breaking book Czechoslovakia: The State That Failed to be published for first time in Czech