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Council Minutes 24 November 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Cardiff University Council held on Thursday 24 November 2022 at 13:00 via Zoom.

Present: Patrick Younge (Chair), Vice-Chancellor, Angie Flores Acuna, Professor Rudolf Allemann [Item 2073-2089], Paul Baston, Gina Dunn, Judith Fabian, Michael Hampson, Christopher Jones, Jan Juillerat, Jeremy Lewis, Joanna Newman [from Item 2079], David Selway, John Shakeshaft, Pretty Sagoo, Professor Damian Walford Davies, Jennifer Wood, Agnes Xavier-Phillips.

Attendees: Katy Dale, Ruth Davies [Minute taker], Millicent Ele, Rashi Jain, Susan Midha [Item 2093], Claire Morgan, Claire Sanders, Darren Xiberras and Professor Roger Whitaker.

2073 Welcome

2073.1 All were welcomed to the meeting especially David Selway and Jennifer Wood (new lay members); Jeremy Lewis (new staff member) and Millicent Ele (new Governor Apprentice) who were attending their first meeting;

2073.2 the Chair apologised that changes in personal circumstances coupled with disruption due to industrial action had resulted with the meeting being online rather than in person as originally planned.

2074  Apologies for absence

2074.1 Apologies were received from Professor Rachel Ashworth, Professor Marc Buehner, Professor Dame Janet Finch and Suzanne Rankin and the meeting was confirmed as quorate.

2075 Declarations of interest

Noted the following declarations:

2075.1  Angie Flores Acuna declared an interest in item 13 [Minute 2085 below] on the basis that she was a recent graduate of the School of Engineering.

2076 Minutes of the previous meeting

Received and considered paper 21/962C ‘Minutes of Previous Meeting 7 July 2022’. The Chair spoke to this item.


2076.1 to approve the minutes of the meeting of 7 July 2022.

2077 Matters arising from the minutes

Received and considered paper 22/235R ‘Matters Arising’. The Chair spoke to this item.


2077.1 that all actions were either underway, complete, or covered via the agenda;

2077.2 that the KPMG benchmarking analysis (Minute 2054.7) was very valuable and that it could usefully be appended to future KPI presentations;

20.77.3 a request that Council members be provided with a copy of the Tribal in-depth market analysis referred to in the Value for Money paper in due course.

2078 Items from the Chair

Received paper 22/231C, ‘Chair’s Action since the last meeting’.


2078.1 that the paper presented a summary of the Chair of Council’s actions taken since the Council meeting in July 2022;

Extension of PVC term of office

2078.2 that the Chair had also taken action to approve an extension proposed by the Vice-Chancellor to the term of office of Professor Rudolf Allemann as Pro Vice-Chancellor International and Student Recruitment and Head of the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering; the extension to the PVC role was for six months from 2 April 2023 in order to provide continuity during the critical period of transition to a new Vice-Chancellor;

Joint Committee of Council and Senate

2078.3 the Chair provided a verbal update on the activities of the Joint Committee of Senate and Council; the Committee had met once, and a longlist had been drawn up with a strong field of candidates at senior levels at home and abroad; a shortlisting meeting would be held in December with interviews in January 2023; the candidate brochure with the new University branding had been circulated to Council members for information;

Review of Ordinance 7

2078.4 that Senate recommended at its meeting on 15 June 2022 that Council review Ordinance 7 to include the possibility of student membership within Council’s membership of the Joint Committee ahead of any future recruitment of a Vice-Chancellor, and that the timescale for this was not urgent;

Celebrating Excellence Awards

2078.5 that the Chair, together with two further lay members attended the University’s Celebrating Excellence Awards and was impressed by the range of activity staff were involved in across the University; the Chair considered it an uplifting event and hoped that more Council members could be invited to attend next time;

Wales Men’s Football Team – World Cup

2078.6 that the Chair would like to acknowledge support for the Wales men’s football team in the 2022 World Cup tournament in Qatar.


2078.7  to record Council’s support for the Wales men’s football team in the 2022 World Cup tournament in Qatar.

2079 Vice-Chancellor’s report to Council

Received and considered paper 22/253C, ‘VC Report to Council’. The Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.

Joanna Newman joined the meeting during this item.


Industrial action

2079.1 that industrial action was planned for 24, 25 and 30 November 2022 and that, exceptionally, UCEA were proposing to bring forward the start of negotiations on pay for next year in light of this; that the University was seeking an early resolution but was bound by the national collective bargaining position and this also dictated the pace; and that a consultation was underway on whether there was more capacity to reach local agreements without breaking collective bargaining;

Shortfall in Student Recruitment

2079.2 [Redacted]

2079.3 [Redacted]

2079.4 [Redacted]

2079.5 [Redacted]

Research Activity

2079.6 that whilst research income was not primarily a financial indicator it was a leading indicator, in that research activity followed a cyclic pattern; that awards and research expenditure were much higher than in previous three years; and that the forecast based on the pipeline forecast was positive;

Student Housing

2079.7 a concern from the Students Union that even though the University had not exceeded its recruitment targets, it was aware of a number of students who were finding it hard to find accommodation in Cardiff; that the University did collaborate with Cardiff Council on housing, in addition to having an agreement with a private provider, and that the University had met its guaranteed accommodation agreement for first years; that changes to the regulations relating to HMOs (House in Multiple Occupation) had started to lead to a reduction in supply in the private rented sector; that the University was actively looking at how to meet future demand with other parties; that further information relating to liaison with Welsh Government and HEFCW on this area would be shared with the Students’ Union President by the PVC Education and Student Experience;

Future Investment Cases

2079.8  [Redacted]

2079.9  [Redacted]

2079.10 that the list reflected the needs as expressed to University Executive Board (UEB) in order to provide a strategic outlook; that some of the cases were required for compliance reasons and well defined, whereas others were at an earlier stage of development; that the focus of the paper was on confirming the criteria with which UEB intended to assess business cases going forward; that there was recognition that it would be inappropriate to make significant investment decisions in advance of the appointment of the new Vice-Chancellor unless there was a pressing need.

2080 Risk Register

Received and considered paper 22/237C, ‘Risk Register’. The Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


New, Emerging and Developing Risks

2080.1 that the immediate threat in relation to the impact of the energy crisis and likelihood of power outages was reduced for this winter, but contingency plans were being made nevertheless to ensure power supply for priority critical areas; that the University had hedged its utility costs until April 2023 so any impact this year would be limited, but an increase was to be expected in 2023-24;

2080.2 that the University had taken steps to mitigate the cost of living crisis including an extra payment to staff and working closely with the Students Union;

2080.3  that industrial action risks had been covered under the Vice-Chancellor’s Report discussions [Minute 2079.1 above].

Key risks

2080.4 that the Vice-Chancellor considered that the cyber security risk was being effectively mitigated at present;

2080.5 that the impact of the loss of tuition fee income as a risk in terms of financial sustainability had been discussed under the Vice-Chancellor’s Report discussions [Minute 2079.1 above];

2080.6 that the impact of not achieving Net Zero within the target timeline may not be as high as indicated as it would be largely a reputational impact, but that Cardiff City Council may be dependent on the University meeting that target in order to meet their own Net Zero target; that the reference to work being undertaken in Spring 22 on p59 of the Meeting Book was out of date and that consultants were currently working on detailed ‘investment grade’ proposals to be submitted to Welsh Government, based on principles which had been drawn up in the Spring;

2080.7 that mitigation of the Estates repairs and maintenance risk should include adequate consideration of infrastructure (“wires and pipes”); that in this respect the University had commissioned a major IT network refresh project which had been rolled out over the past three to four years; that issues with other aspects of M&E were known and monitored via the Estates and Infrastructure Portfolio Group chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor; that the Chief Information Officer and Director of IT also sat on the group and that group took a holistic view of any proposed projects.


2080.8 to approve the Risk Register.

2081 KPI Update report

Received and considered papers 21/190C, ‘KPI Paper 2021-22’ and 22/207C ‘KPI Report 2022-23’. The Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


2081.1 that the University Executive Board agreed in July 2022 to recommence high level KPI reporting and that adjustments have been made to the KPI set to reflect the current context (e.g. REF position not included for this year) but were otherwise based on those in The Way Forward 2018-23; that the report did not contain many lead indicators but were more at the level below this; and the report is produced for an internal audience to convey a direction of travel, although some KPIs were publicly available;

2081.2 that Council members found the KPIs valuable and that a relative weighting would also be helpful; that this was implied in the scoring of the related risks in the risk register and that the Vice-Chancellor’s report to Council draws out the most important areas;

2081.3 that there was no KPI on the effectiveness of estates spending; that estates matters were visible in the supporting strategies rather than the top level KPIs reported to Council; that there would be an annual estates report to Council and that the nature of that would take account of the importance of space as an enabler in delivering the University’s core activities;

2081.4 that in terms of the importance of rankings, QS rankings were based heavily on reputation including number of citations which was very hard to influence; that subject areas moving out of top 100 impacts negatively and that international students were mainly influenced by the Times, the Sunday Times and the Good University Guide;

2081.5 a view that whilst rankings were important, they were also commercially driven, and that the University’s focus should be on its unique position as a Russell Group university in Wales and the robust progress that the University had made in other areas such as REF and the need to provide a good student experience to be reflected in NSS, etc.;

2081.6 that the reference in the innovation KPI to 10 strategic partnerships meant 10 over the reporting period and that the University was on track to meet this, despite the impact of COVID.

2082 University Pension Schemes

Received and considered paper 22/189C, ‘Update on University Pension Schemes’. The Chief Financial Officer spoke to this item.


2082.1 [Redacted]

2082.2 [Redacted]

2082.3 [Redacted]

2082.4 that there were some changes to the NHS scheme which were minor in terms of the University’s exposure.

2083 Finance Report

Received and considered papers 22/195C, ‘Financial Report’ and 22/196C, ‘Finance Forecast Q1 Report’. The Chief Financial Officer spoke to this item.


2083.1 that the Finance Report summarised the financial results of the University as at September 2022; and that the Quarter 1 forecast presented an updated full year outturn forecast;

2083.2 that the [Figure Redacted] favourable variance to budget in September 2022 was as a result of lower pay costs, however there were some investment losses during the period reflecting the external macroeconomic environment;

2083.3 [Redacted]

2083.4 that once the Short Term Investment Plan (STIP) and current year to date investment losses were included this resulted in a [Figure Redacted] deficit before any pensions movement (which were expected to be positive this financial year); and that the papers contained further detailed explanations of the move in the budgeting position;

2083.5 [Redacted]

2083.6 that there was a potential opportunity for unplanned grants from HEFCW; [Part-Redacted]

2083.7 [Redacted]

2083.8 that the Chief Financial Officer had progressed work on a new financial model and would bring it to Council in due course.

2084 Estates Strategy update

Received an oral update from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.


2084.1 that the University was at the end of a major catalogue of new build, capital and digital infrastructure projects; that the Short Term Investment Plan was managed by the Estates and Infrastructure Portfolio Group taking a holistic approach to strategically investing in and divesting from the estate in line with the overarching masterplan; and that the refreshed estates strategy would ensure best use of space, progress towards Net Zero and be a key enabler of core business;

2084.2 that the refreshed strategy would be submitted to the February 2023 meeting of Council and that it would be presented with the sports and accommodation strategies;

2084.3 that a new space policy was in operation with a space management group overseeing this; that consideration of space requirements was now being addressed in the Integrated Planning Process;

2084.4 that poor buildings impacted on the staff and student experience, and that Council were keen to see the first draft of the refreshed strategy in the next cycle.

2085 Engineering a Better Future - a new strategy for Engineering at Cardiff

Received and considered paper 22/192C ‘Engineering a Better Future – a New Strategy for Engineering at Cardiff’. The Pro Vice-Chancellor for International and Student Recruitment and College of Physical Sciences and Engineering spoke to this item.


2085.1 that a business case for the School of Engineering (ENGIN) had been in development for some time and aimed to make ENGIN sector-leading; that the proposal supported implementation of key aspects of the ENGIN strategy and required just over £5M capital funding over a tightly controlled and short payback period;

2085.2 that the proposal had its roots in Transforming Cardiff and responded to the Recruitment and Admissions Strategy Group direction i.e. identification of ENGIN as having significant potential to increase admissions;

2085.3 that the School offered a wide range of Engineering courses which was often overwhelming for students; the strategy proposed a more cohesive first year for students which provided a good basis for all engineering disciplines and ensured students were at the same level; this was hoped to improve retention rates, reduce drop-out rates and reduce the fragmentation of achievement levels; this would require investment in teaching spaces to ensure they were fit for purpose;

2085.4 that the proposal would enable improvement to the environment so that it was fit for students to support the planned changes to academic provision; and that the business case demonstrated that the investment paid for itself via fee income and should also enable a significant increase in research income;

2085.5 that statements relating to the status quo in the business case on p153 of the Meeting Book were not necessarily contradictory as there was currently a gap between what was being achieved in terms of student numbers and research income against the School’s potential in these areas; for example, the School was not achieving as high a NSS rating as it could do and there was inconsistent performance across disciplines in the School;

2085.6 that the move to a problem-based learning approach from the traditional methods of teaching was a significant shift and needed both extra space and considerable additional support for staff and students to adapt to this; that these points were acknowledged by the School;

2085.7 that the University has previous experience of a similar shift when it introduced the C21 curriculum in the School of Medicine and it had expertise in problem-based learning who could provide advice; that the PVC Education and Student Experience would work with Physical Sciences and Engineering College Dean in ENGIN to work out how to oversee the implementation to address these concerns;

2085.8 that the recruitment in the business case was geared towards Teaching and Scholarship pathway staff to reflect the demand for the greater tuition, particularly for first year students whose prior educational experience would also have been impacted by COVID; and that the School was confident it could fill these posts;

2085.9 that the Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee reported that the Committee was strongly supportive of the proposal;

2085.10 that establishing more alternative pathways into ENGIN could also broaden participation from non-traditional routes (and that models exist elsewhere such as a Kings College London consortium and the Cambridge Foundation School);

2085.11 that the new format of the schemes could make them more attractive to prospective local professional employers who may then actively contribute, for example by offering placements and/or workshop opportunities and that this should be pursued;

2085.12 that the proposal would provide critical mass to assist in improving research performance, with the School currently in the second quartile in the Russell Group for research income.


2085.13 to approve £5.429m capital funding for refurbishment works and equipment within the Queen’s Buildings subject to the concerns raised in Minute 2085.6 above relating to staff, student experience and the support required being properly considered and implemented.

2086 Student Experience

Received and considered papers 22/238 ‘Student Union President’s Report’ and 22/243, ‘Update on University Performance and Response to NSS’. The Students’ Union President and Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience spoke to this item.


2086.1 that there had been the highest ever turnout for the Students’ Union (SU) Autumn elections which had included the election of a new Vice-President for Education together with several other positions filled; that the freshers’ events and Black History Month events had been really successful;

2086.2 that the report also included reference to SU work on cost of living crisis, the UCU industrial action, and a campaign entitled ‘cops off campus’ proposing zero engagement with the Police in the SU and inviting the University to adopt a similar position on campus; all of which would be featured in the forthcoming SU AGM;

2086.3 that many activities had been undertaken by the SU to address the cost of living crisis including subsidised lunches, and a foodbank had been organised in both the Heath campus and Cathays campus which was extremely busy;

2086.4 that the SU did not have clear evidence of an increase in student mental health issues this year but that there was anecdotal evidence of delays in accessing both GPs and Student Life services;

2086.5 that the University had worked with the SU to provide a full package of student support on cost of living crisis including abolition of library fines, uplift in PGR stipends and a significant uplift in the hardship fund which amounted to one of the largest financial commitments in the Russell Group in terms of assisting students with the cost of living crisis; that the SU could usefully further promote the hardship fund as this had not been oversubscribed; that more work could be done in terms of cost of living measures;

2086.6 that the University was reviewing and enhancing the support provided to personal tutors in terms of training on mental health; that there was a new student mental health group chaired by PVC Education and Student Experience which was ensuring that the University was ahead of, instead of reacting to, the demand for support in the area of student mental health;

Update on University Performance and Response to NSS

2086.7 that the paper provided an overview of the NSS results, the University’s response to the results and information on the enhancement delivered under the portfolio; that there had been improvements in all the themes and overall satisfaction in the NSS and improvements when compared with the Russell Group’s performance which have in turn led to a better position in rankings and KPI in this area;

2086.8 that despite this the University was still performing on average below where it should be in Wales, the UK and the Russell Group; that issues remained with elements of the NSS below benchmark, a long tail of subjects which were now subject to increased regulatory monitoring, and 3rd and 4th quartile for assessment and feedback and the student voice;

2086.10 that responses to these results included implementation of the findings of the audit in this area, monitoring of delivery of subject action plans by the Education Performance Oversight Group and trialling in year data to provide early warning systems; that the University was taking a risk-based approach to monitoring and was providing additional support where needed; that student experience and the Professional Services support was also being discussed in Integrated Planning Process which was a new platform for discussions in a broader sense than just NSS results;

2086.11 that following a consultation conducted by the Office for Students there had been several changes to the NSS resulting in questions being framed differently and measured differently and that these changes would be rolled out in January 2023; that the University was attempting to test responses to the new questions internally; that as a result of all these changes league tables were likely to be reset and rankings altered and that it would be useful to have insight in advance as to how this would impact on the University’s position;

2086.12 that the University was getting good engagement in those schools in high monitoring by HEFCW and that using the Integrated Planning Process and offering support for change had assisted these conversations with Colleges; that accountability for delivering a subject action plan lay with the University and in year data would be used as a ‘temperature check’ that delivery is on track;

2086.13 that Council congratulated the PVC and the team on a robust system of accountability which provided significant and unprecedented levels of assurance in this area.

2087 Student View – University Response

Received and considered paper 22/242, ‘Response to the Student Views’. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience spoke to this item.


2087.1 that this was a response to the Student View paper received by Council in July 2022; that the current SU executive had prioritised the following areas: blended learning and lecture capture, Student Connect, Study Spaces and reflections on Industrial Action; that actions responding to each of these areas were now embedded in existing structures; that the report would be presented to Senate on 30 November 2022;

2087.2 that the SU had requested a ‘move away from partnership projects’ and that the purpose of that was to embed actions into existing structures to give longevity to the initiatives but these would still be taken forward as a partnership between the University and the SU.

2088 Draft Triennial Quality Report from HEFCW

Received and considered paper 21/919R, ‘HEFCW Triennial Visit Report’. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience spoke to this item.


2088.1 that the paper presented the report of the HEFCW triennial visit to the University which was conducted by HEFCW officers in May 2022 in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Framework for Wales;

2088.2 that the triennial visit report confirmed that HEFCW was assured that there were suitable processes and mechanisms in place in order to provide assurance to HEFCW on matters relating to quality and the student experience; that the report highlighted areas for further consideration by Council and the University would take these forward during 2022/23 through the education governance structures; that there would be an informal visit from HEFCW in January at which the PVC Education and Student Experience would outline the University’s actions to date.

2089 Engaging Council Members on policy development

Received and considered paper 22/71R, ‘Engaging Council Members in the formative stages of policy, projects and strategy’. The University Secretary spoke to this item.


2089.1 that the paper presented the findings and recommendation of the Governance Review Task and Finish Group established to consider recommendation 17 from the 2021 Governance Effectiveness Review, that the Council adopt a systematic approach to involving its members in the formative stages of policy, projects, and strategy;

2089.2 that the recommendation, which had been considered by Governance Committee, was that a set of ten principles should be adopted to foster a culture of engaging with Council at an early stage and that the scope of this should be confined to major strategic initiatives or strategy development;

2089.3 that the Council members’ skills matrix would enable matching of expertise with initiatives and that the University Secretary would be the liaison between members and those seeking engagement, in order to advise on capacity and suitable mechanisms for engagement.


2089.4 to approve the recommendation from the Task and Finish Group and the Governance Committee that the set of principles set out in the paper should be adopted to foster a culture of engaging with Council at an early stage;

2089.5 that the University Secretary shall ensure that the principles were communicated via the Project Management Framework and other appropriate routes.

Professor Rudolf Allemann left the meeting following this item.

2090 Letter of Representation

[The Chair brought item 19 forward in a change to the agenda]

Received and considered paper 22/254C, ‘Letter of Representation’. The Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee spoke to this item.


2090.1 [Redacted]

2090.2 that HEFCW had been advised of the situation which was not unusual when new auditors conduct their first audit; that the CFO was not expecting any significant changes to arise from the outstanding final checks.


2090.3 to approve the contents of the Letter of Representation.

2091 Annual Report and Financial Statements

[The Chair brought item 20 forward in a change to the agenda]

Received and considered paper 22/199CR, ‘Annual Report and Financial Statements 31 July 2022’ together with paper 22/269C shared via email detailing the differences between version 6 (in the meeting book) and version 7 (final version for signing).  The Chief Financial Officer spoke to this item.


2091.1 the points raised in 2090.1 above regarding the delay to completion of the external audit but that no significant changes were expected to the Annual Report and Financial Statements once the review was complete; that the judgements and sustainability elements had been scrutinised at Finance and Resources Committee and found to be very thorough and diligent.


2091.2 to approve the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 July 2022 subject to no significant changes following completion of the year end audit;

2091.3 that if there were minor changes required the Chair had authority to take Chair’s action to approve amendments to the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 July 2022 on behalf of Council, following consultation with the Chair of Finance and Resources Committee and the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee;

2091.4 that if the changes were substantive Council would be recalled to reconsider the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 July 2022.

2092 Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report

Received and considered paper 22/224CR, ‘Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report 21-22’. The Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee spoke to this item.


2092.1 that the paper presented the Audit and Risk Committee’s annual report to the Council and the Vice-Chancellor as the accountable officer for the University in line with the requirements of the HEFCW Financial Management Code;

2092.2 that the Audit and Risk Committee confirmed that processes were adequate and effective in terms of risk management, control and governance, the economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money) and quality assurance of data;

2092.3 that there no ‘no assurance’ reports this year and fewer findings of high materiality which was an encouraging trajectory; that the external review of the Internal Audit Service was positive;

2092.4 that the appointment of a new Financial Compliance Officer would assist with regulatory compliance and that risk management had continued to evolve over the year however the Senior Risk Advisor role was now vacant; that the Finance team needed to be strengthened as there were a number of control issues in this area and that the significant ones had been discussed in depth at Audit and Risk Committee;

2092.5 that any limitation of liability requested by External Internal Auditors needed to be reported to Council and that TIAA, who conducted IT audits, had requested a liability of £5m which was agreed;

2092.6 that Council extended its thanks to the Audit and Risk Committee for the work it had undertaken throughout the year.

2093 Report from Redundancy Committee to Council

Received and considered paper 22/232C, ‘Redundancy Committee Report to Council’. The Director of Human Resources joined the meeting to speak to this item.


2093.1 [Redacted]


2093.2 [Redacted]

The Director of Human Resources left the meeting at the end of this item.

2094 Fee and Access Plan (FAP) Monitoring 21-22

Received and considered paper 22/222C Fee and Access Plan (FAP) Monitoring 21-22.  The PVC Education and Student Experience responded to questions on this paper.


2094.1 numbers of students on widening participation had decreased despite work in this area; that there were face to face activities that could not take place due to COVID; that COVID had also impacted on the part time market; that the Fee and Access Plan needed to be realigned to the Widening Participation strategy;

2094.2 that there were no targets from HEFCW so the benchmarking provided in the report was just indicative and the view that more benchmarking in future would be useful and that this was in hand;

2094.3 that with the transition from HEFCW to CTER there could be a change in terms of fee and access monitoring requirements and that the University’s internal structures were well placed to adapt; however the wider implications of the change in regulator were yet to be fully articulated and could be significant for the University.

2095 Any other business

There was no other business.

2096 Items received for approval


2096.1 to approve the following papers:

  • 22/87 Audit and Risk Committee Constitution and Membership
  • 22/57 Governance Committee Constitution
  • 22/185 Finance and Resources Committee Constitution and Membership
  • 22/109 Honorary Fellowships and Degrees Committee Terms of Reference
  • 22/193 Scheme of Delegation (Tranche 2)
  • 22/206 Review of the Bicameral Relationship between Council and Senate
  • 22/247 Changes to Ordinances
  • 22/72 Role Description for Vice-Chair of Council
  • 22/96C Value for Money Report
  • 22/94C Annual Risk Management Report
  • 22/95HC Annual Report - Fraud, Bribery and other Financial Compliance
  • 22/209HC Annual Internal Audit Opinion

2097 Items received for information

Noted the following papers:

  • 22/256C Report from the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
  • 22/244C Report from Chair of Finance and Resources Committee
  • 22/241 Report from Chair of Governance Committee
  • 22/229 Remuneration Committee Constitution
  • 22/230 Academic Promotions Committee Constitution
  • 22/233 Sealing Transactions
  • 22/236C Higher Education Financial Statements Benchmarking (2020-21)
  • 22/191C Investment Plan updates – Capital Investment Plan 2018-23 and Short-Term Investment Plan 2021-23
  • 22/155 Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2021-22
  • 22/255 Students’ Union Charter and Relationship Agreement
  • 22/234 UEB Operational Plan 2022-23
  • 22/228C HEFCW Institutional Assurance Review Visit 2021 – Final Report
  • 22/267HC Major and Serious Incidents Update

Document control table

Document title:Council Minutes 24 November 2022
Effective date:21 June 2023