Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Morgan-Botti Lightning Laboratory

Materials being tested in the Morgan-Botti Lightning Laboratory.

The laboratory will study lightning strikes on aircraft – with one of its emphases on providing a better understanding of how composites are affected by such phenomena, and optimising the materials’ electrical properties for protection.


Enw Brand/model Manylion
Cameras Nikon D700 (x2), Photron Fastcam SA5, FLIR SC7000 A range of high speed stills cameras, video cameras and FLIR imaging systems, with lenses and filters, used primarity for visual/thermal imaging of the lightning arc and test samples.
High Current Waveform Generator – Lightning Simulator Lightning Generator and Analytical Equipment The equipment produces high current waveforms which effectively simulates lightning strikes. The facility is of particular interest to the aircraft industry and complies with ED-84 (the Aircraft Lightning Environment Test Waveform Standard.)
Optical Microscopes Zeiss Axio Observer Z1m, Zeiss Axio Imager M2m Standard and Inverted microscopy platforms with advanced imaging systems. Will be used primarily for non-destructive 3D imaging of test samples and estimation of material erosion due to lightning direct effects.
Oscilloscopes LeCroy Wavesurfer 104MSx-B Tektronix Portable Scopes A range of high performance oscilloscopes for high-speed data acquisition. Portable scopes for field measurements
SEM Nikon JCM5000 Desktop system for investigation of degradation processes occurring in the microstructure of carbon composites, both before and after direct strike.
Spectrography System Andor IR-VIS-UV Spetrography System Spectrograph and detectors for analysis of lightning arc and ejected material spectra in the 250-1700nm range.
Transducers Range of differential voltage probes, current transformers, current shunts, rogowski coils etc for low voltage measurements (<1kV) and current measurements up to 250kA


Professor Manu Haddad

+44 (0)29 2087 5904

Dr David Clark

+44 (0)29 2087 5070


  • Unit B1 Compass Business Park
    Pacific Road
    Pacific Road
    CF24 5HL