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The Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference is the UK's only academic conference covering the whole of the social work field.

This two-day conference aims to bring together academics, policy-makers, practitioners and people who use services (including carers).

The conference in 2021 will cover social work in all its various forms with a range of confirmed speakers to reflect this diversity.

Confirmed speakers

  • Keynote speaker Claudia Bernard (Goldsmiths, University of London) – 'Intersectionality and social work education'.
  • A panel discussion about social work and politics with Mark Drakeford (First Minister of Wales) and Hilary Armstrong (former UK Government Minister) and Julie Morgan, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services in the Welsh Government.
  • A keynote from Jadwiga Leigh (Lancaster University) and Mellisa Hempenstall (Peer Mentor Lead)from the New Beginnings project – 'Alliances between universities and service users'.
  • Keynote speaker Alisoun Milne (University of Kent) – 'Reclaiming the role of the "social" in the care and support of older people'.

Call for JSWEC fringe events

A fringe event at JSWEC is not only in a different timetable slot from conference papers, but it is also for a different purpose. Conference papers are for presentation of academic analysis, usually around a research project or educational initiative. A fringe event could be either about a campaigning or lobbying issue (for example, people concerned about the privatisation of social care) or for a more general discussion of shared academic interests (for example, people wanting to establish a research network on direct observation of practice).

There will be a limited number of timetable slots for fringe events that will run outside of the main conference timetable in lunchtimes and early evenings. Attendance at fringe events will only be open to people who register to attend the conference. If there are more applications for fringe events than can be supported without over-loading the timetable, JUC SWEC committee will prioritise them.

To ensure fringe events are topical, the deadline for proposals is relatively close to the conference, 16 April 2021.  Please email a summary of no more than 200 words about a proposed fringe event to