14 June 2018
Cardiff School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences’ Dr. Claire Simons has won Personal Tutor of the Year at the Enriching Student Lives Awards.
Spatial memory patterns mapped
13 June 2018
Parkinson's UK Roadshow comes to Cardiff University
High tech trackers have been placed on Borneo’s bearded pigs for the first time, helping to secure the future of the vulnerable species.
The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) has announced School of Dentistry 2nd year, Natasha West, as a winner of a new undergraduate essay writing competition.
12 June 2018
University community celebrates royal recognition
11 June 2018
New light shed on mechanisms of paediatric epilepsy
The Cardiff University School of Biosciences has been praised in the Houses of Commons for its outstanding research.
7 June 2018
Millions of wild animals are killed on Britain’s roads each year, but the amount of roadkill could be six times higher than originally thought.
Cardiff University School of Medicine named Business of the Year at Arts & Business Cymru Awards