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Cardiff University Chamber Choir

Zwischen Himmel und Erde

25 June 2016

Cardiff University Chamber Choir heads out on German tour

Online Surveillance

British citizens worry about their online presence amid state surveillance concerns

24 June 2016

Three years after the Snowden revelations began, major UK study presents research on their impact

UK’s largest Philosophy conference comes to Cardiff University

24 June 2016

The Aristotelian Society and Mind Association Joint Session is one of three major philosophy conferences Cardiff University will host this July

Celebrating the People's Choice: Professor Aris Syntentos, Cardiff Business School; KTP researcher Nicole Ayiomamitou and Andrew Lahy, Global Head of Business Improvement, Panalpina, receive their award from Mark Wilson, Executive Vice President, Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd, and Professor Colin Riordan, Vice-Chancellor, Cardiff University, at the Innovation and Impact Awards 2016.

Double first for Panalpina at Innovation and Impact Awards 2016

23 June 2016

Project that helps businesses predict demand for products has been crowned the ‘People’s Choice’ at Cardiff University’s Innovation and Impact Awards

Emeritus Professor Miranda Aldhouse-Green receives her award at the Society for American Archaeology Awards on 8 April in Orlando.

CSI meets ancient bog bodies

23 June 2016

Cardiff academic’s new book scoops international award

Food policy and practice awards

22 June 2016

Professor Roberta Sonnino invited to judge the new Milan Food Pact Awards

Law tutor appointed president of national adjudication panel

22 June 2016

Claire Sharp, Law framework tutor has recently been appointed as President of the Adjudication Panel for Wales.

Image of Professional Services staff receiving their award from the Vice-Chancellor

Staff celebrate Green Impact Awards success

22 June 2016

School of Welsh celebrates success at the National Union of Students Green Impact Awards

Norman Doe

Higher Cambridge Doctorate for Cardiff Law Professor

21 June 2016

Professor Norman Doe has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Law (LLD) by the University of Cambridge.

Assessing public perceptions of data security

20 June 2016

Preferences for health data storage, access, and sharing – evidence from a pan-European survey