Liz Evans
Senior Lecturer: Physiotherapy
- evansem1@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 206 87693
- Room 13.20, 13th Floor, Eastgate House, 35-43 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 0AB
My clinical and research interests are focussed on young people’s hip conditions. I have developed an expertise in hip dysplasia and am specifically interested in improving recognition of the adult-onset condition. In doing my aim is to accelerate diagnosis of hip dysplasia in adults and thereby improve treatment outcomes as well as preventing or at least delaying secondary, premature osteoarthritis.
I have co-led the development of a research network which importantly includes patients. These patients have actively contributed to our research plan, our proposals and our research seminars. Other members of the network include Surgeons, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Health Economists. We have received ESRC funding and are currently collaborating with Leeds University and Birmingham Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
I qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1984 and completed an MSc in Physiotherapy in 1999. Having worked clinically in a range of physiotherapy specialities for more than 12 years, I went on to become a Lecturer in Physiotherapy at Cardiff just before the completion of my MSc. I have been a Senior Lecturer in the University since 2004 and in that time have had a range of responsibilities which have included Admissions Tutor, BSc Programme Director, IPE Lead and Senate Member.
I am currently completing my PhD for which my thesis title is ‘The Diagnostic indicators of Adult-Onset Hip Dysplasia’
- Evans, E. 2022. The identification of clinically relevant indicators to support diagnostic recognition of adult hip dysplasia. PhD Thesis, Cardiff university.
- Evans, E. 2018. Acetabular hip dysplasia: the physio's role. Frontline
- Annetts, S., Baker, T., Day, R. and Evans, E. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: A bespoke online solution. In: Andrews, J., Clark, R. and Thomas, L. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success. Birmingham; York: Aston University; Higher Education Academy, pp. 8-11.
- Annetts, S., Baker, T., Richard, D. and Elizabeth, E. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: a bespoke online solution.. Presented at: HEA Conference: What Works: Student Retention and Success, York University, UK, November 2012.
- Annetts, S., Creighton-Griffiths, A., Hopkins, H. and Evans, E. 2008. The Effects of Ankle Taping on Plantar Pressure and Plantar Force Distribution during Gait. Presented at: All Wales Virtual Institute of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, 5th Conference 2008, Swansea, UK, 4 July 2008.
My current research is focussed on adult-onset hip dysplasia, gaining early diagnosis and avoiding premature osteoarthritis. I am currently completing my PhD for which my thesis title is ‘The Diagnostic indicators of Adult-Onset Hip Dysplasia’.
This research began following the work reported in the publication below:
Gambling T and Evans E (2017) Paediatric Hip Conditions: Psychological and Economic Dimensions of Impact on Quality of Life. Impact 2017(9) 82-84
I have supervised a range of BSc and MSc research which has mainly related to movement analysis, therapeutic exercise and gait analysis measures. These have included:
- An inter and intra-tester reliability study of dynamic Q-Angle measurement
- A comparison of Q-Angle measurement during walking in flip-flops and trainers
- A comparison of peak ground reaction force when waling in flip-flops and training shoes
- Hip Extension angles in trainers and flip-flops
- A test of right to left symmetry on results of the FADDIR impingement test in a healthy population
- Secondary analyses of patient stories data in hip dysplasia to identify patient reported signs, symptoms, trajectory of condition and experiences of diagnosis.