Exploring the Impact of Paediatric Hip Conditions
28 February 2015

In February Dr Tina Gambling and Liz Evans launched a series of ESRC funded seminars designed to open up discussion and debate about issues concerning diagnosis, treatment decision-making and post-surgical care of patients with paediatric hip conditions. From this, the objectives are to develop a research agenda and to promote evidence-based practice focussing on issues that are important to patients and their families.
Available to clinicians from a range of healthcare professions, patients and families, the first seminar in the series aimed to develop understanding of the impact of these conditions on quality of life. Opened by Cardiff University Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Patricia Price, the seminar centred on the experiences and perspectives of people with hip conditions.
Speakers included:
- Mr John O'Hara from Birmingham Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, an internationally recognised hip surgeon who is a pioneer of surgical correction of the hip and the hip resurfacing procedure.
- Mr Phillip Thomas, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, specialising in paediatric and adult hip disorders
- Dr Heidi Williamson, Centre for Appearance Research, University of the West of England
- Dr Tina Gambling, Hip Research Lead for HCARE, Cardiff University
Liz Evans, one of the project coordinators, said of the event; "this first seminar was a terrific launch for our series. It clearly showed the value of bringing together a range of clinicians and health economists in order to improve care and the vital role patients have in driving high quality research."
Next in the series:
Measuring the Concerns, Consequences and Quality of Life Impact of Paediatric Hip Conditions: How are patient concerns assessed in research on PHCs and other paediatric conditions?
The next seminar in the series will take place on Friday 3 July at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham.
To participate, email evansem1@cardiff.ac.uk or gamblingts@cardiff.ac.uk