Dr Lee Hosking
MEng, PhD
Research Associate
- hoskingl@cardiff.ac.uk
- 029 2087 0497
- C/4.08, Queen’s Buildings, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Lee is a Research Associate at the Geoenvironmental Research Centre and leads the Carbon Sequestration in Coal and Soil work package of the £24 million FLEXIS energy systems research project. He received his PhD from Cardiff University in 2014, having graduated with a First Class (Hons) MEng degree in Civil Engineering, also from Cardiff University.
Lee's research interests lie in the theoretical and numerical modelling of coupled physical and chemical behaviour in geomaterials. He is particularly experienced in the study of multiphase, multicomponent chemical-gas flow in dual-porous geomaterials, where behaviour is strongly divided between distinct pore regions. It is in this area that he developed new capabilities of the COMPASS numerical simulation software. His application of the enhanced model has focused on the flow and storage of CO2 in coal seams with an emphasis on CO2 sorption-induced coal swelling, which remains a barrier to the effective use of the world's remaining coal resources for CO2 sequestration.
Alongside his work on CO2 sequestration in coal, Lee has worked as part of multidisciplinary teams in the areas of soil carbon dynamics and ground source heat extraction.
Postgraduate student supervision
Lee currently supervises a PhD student funded through the China Scholarship Council, working on the inclusion of multi-scale fractures in COMPASS using a hybrid dual continuum-discrete fracture approach.
Education and qualifications
- 2014: PhD Geoenvironmental Engineering, Cardiff University
- 2010: MEng Civil Engineering, Cardiff University, First Class (Hons)
- Hosking, L. J., Chen, M. and Thomas, H. R. 2020. Numerical analysis of dual porosity coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour during CO2 sequestration in coal. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 135, article number: 104473. (10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104473)
- Chen, M., Hosking, L. J., Sandford, R. J. and Thomas, H. R. 2020. A coupled compressible flow and geomechanics model for dynamic fracture aperture during carbon sequestration in coal. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 44(13), pp. 1727-1749. (10.1002/nag.3075)
- Detheridge, A., Hosking, L., Thomas, H., Sarhosis, V., Gwynn-Jones, D. and Scullion, J. 2019. Deep seam and minesoil carbon sequestration potential of the South Wales Coalfield, UK. Journal of Environmental Management 248, article number: 109325. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109325)
- Chen, M., Hosking, L. J., Sandford, R. J. and Thomas, H. R. 2019. Dual porosity modelling of the coupled mechanical response of coal to gas flow and adsorption. International Journal of Coal Geology 205, pp. 115-125. (10.1016/j.coal.2019.01.009)
- Sarhosis, V., Hosking, L. and Thomas, H. R. 2018. Carbon sequestration potential of the South Wales Coalfield. Environmental Geotechnics 5(4), pp. 234-246. (10.1680/jenge.16.00007)
- Hosking, L. J. ., Thomas, H. R. and Sedighi, M. 2018. A dual porosity model of high pressure gas flow for geoenergy applications. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 55(6), pp. 839-851. (10.1139/cgj-2016-0532)
- Hosking, L. J. and Thomas, H. R. 2018. An investigation of the pseudo-steady state aproach to modelling inter-porosity flow in fractured geomaterials. Presented at: 4th GeoShanghai International Conference, Shanghai, China, 27-30 May 2018 Presented at Zhang, L., Goncalves da Silva, B. and Zhao, C. eds.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 3. Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference Singapore: Springer pp. 30-38., (10.1007/978-981-13-0113-1_4)
- Hosking, L. and Thomas, H. R. 2016. An investigation of different borehole layouts for carbon sequestration in coalbeds. Presented at: 24th Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Cardiff, UK, 31 March - 1 April 2016ACME-UK 2016: 24th Conference on Computational Mechanics 31 Mar- 1 Apr 2016 Cardiff: Proceedingsf. Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 154-157.
- Wang, M., Hosking, L., Masum, S. and Thomas, H. R. 2016. Development of a high performance computing approach for studying the coupled behaviour of porous media. Presented at: 24th Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Cardiff, UK, 31 March - 1 April 2016ACME-UK 2016: 24th Conference on Computational Mechanics 31 Mar- 1 Apr 2016 Cardiff: Proceedingsf. Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 318-321.
- Sarhosis, V., Jaya, A. A., Hosking, L., Koj, A. and Thomas, H. R. 2015. Techno-economics for coalbed methane production in the South Wales coalfield. Presented at: Clean Coal Technology Conference (CCT2015), Krakow, Poland, 17-21 May 2015.
- Hosking, L., Thomas, H., Sarhosis, V., Neil, P. and Koj, A. 2015. Assessment of reservoir conditions and engineering factors influencing coal bed methane recovery in the South Wales Coalfield. Presented at: 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15-18 November 2015 Presented at Manzanal, D. and Sfriso, A. O. eds.Proceedings of the 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15–18 November 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina. IOS Press pp. 761-768., (10.3233/978-1-61499-603-3-761)
- Hosking, L. 2014. Reactive transport modelling of high pressure gas flow in coal. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Hosking, L., Sedighi, M. and Thomas, H. R. 2013. High pressure gas transport under coupled thermal, hydraulic, chemical and mechanical behaviour. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo III), Krakow, Poland, 21-23 August 2013Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics, Krakow, Poland, 21-23 August, 2013. pp. 381-388.
Research theme: Energy and environment
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