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 Jay Lord

Jay Lord

Research student,

Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ


BSc Manchester Metropolitan university (Psychology)

MSc University of York (Cognitive Neuroscience) 

Current PhD student @ Cardiff 

My research interests mainly involve sleep, states of consciousness and how the brain integrates new information and creates models. 

My current project utilises a technique known as targeted memory reactivation (TMR) (Rasch et al. 2007; Rudoy et al. 2009; Cellini and Capuozzo 2018) during slow wave sleep (SWS) slow occilations (SOs) 'up-states' in order to strengthen a particular form of memory. We aim to understand the effect of TMR upon this concept behaviourally and also investigate evidence for long-term structural / functional changes to the brain using follow-up MRI and DTI scanning.  


Cellini, Nicola, and Alessandra Capuozzo. 2018. “Shaping Memory Consolidation via Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, May.

Rasch, Björn, Christian Büchel, Steffen Gais, and Jan Born. 2007. “Odor Cues during Slow-Wave Sleep Prompt Declarative Memory Consolidation.” Science 315 (5817): 1426–29.

Rudoy, John D., Joel L. Voss, Carmen E. Westerberg, and Ken A. Paller. 2009. “Strengthening Individual Memories by Reactivating Them during Sleep.” Science 326 (5956): 1079.


Research interests

Currently I am working under a ERC grant investigating the role of sleep in creativity. 

I have a strong interest in the threshold state of sleep known as NREM 1 and the experiential phenomena that occur at this stage (hypnagogia) and also upon awakening (hypnapompia). 

My other interests include the visual system / processing, other arguably 'altered-states' such as anger, stress etc and health related to sleep.