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Debatiendo la actualidad del mundo hispano

Duration 20 weekly meetings
Tutor Susanna Echaves
Course code SPA24A5557A
Fee £383
Concessionary fee £306 (find out about eligibility and funding options)

50-51 Park Place
CF10 3AT

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Este curso está orientado para estudiantes de español de nivel avanzado que quieren seguir practicando sus destrezas auditivas y orales además de adquirir nuevos conocimientos históricos y culturales.

En este curso se verán temas de historia y cultura contemporánea de España y América Latina.

Estos temas incluyen cómo ha influenciado la historia en la situación actual, guerras y conflictos políticos a través del arte y el cine, y la influencia del español en el mundo.

Para cubrir estos temas sEste curso está orientado para estudiantes de Este curso está orientado para aquellos estudiantes de español de nivel avanzado (niveles B2, C1 y C2) que quieran seguir practicando sus destrezas orales y auditivas además de adquirir nuevos conocimientos de vocabulario, cultura y temas de actualidad del mundo hispano.

En este curso se verá variedad de temas de actualidad relacionados con la historia, sociedad, política, y cultura contemporánea de España y América Latina.

Para cubrir estos temas se utilizará una gran variedad de recursos tales como presentaciones, recortes de prensa, documentales, documentos de televisión y lecturas.

Los alumnos podrán analizar el contexto de cada tema y practicar su gramática y vocabulario mediante actividades orales y escritas sobre la película vista en claseLos estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de practicar sus destrezas orales y escritas tanto de forma independiente como en grupo, mediante discusiones, debates y presentaciones cortas.

También podrán practicar y mejorar sus conocimientos léxicos y gramaticales a través de comentarios de texto, redacciones y actividades de gramática y vocabulario.

This course is designed for Advanced Spanish students (B2, C1 and C2) who want to continue practising their conversational and listening skills as well as acquiring new vocabulary, culture and current affairs knowledge in the Spanish-speaking world.

This course will cover current topics related to the history, society, politics, and contemporary culture of Spain and Latin America.

A variety of resources such as presentations, press articles, documentaries, television documentaries and readings will be used to cover these topics.

Students will be able to analyse the topic context and practise their grammar and vocabulary through oral and written activities on the film seen in class.

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at advanced students who wish to further their oral and aural skills in Spanish.  The course will be taught through the medium of Spanish.

Learning and teaching

The emphasis of the course is on participation and students are encouraged to actively participate in class through various non-threatening forms of activities designed to stimulate communication.

Coursework and assessment

Coursework portfolio and class participation. Our assessments are flexible to suit the course and the student.

The most important element of assessment is that it should enhance your learning. Our methods are designed to increase your confidence and we try very hard to devise ways of assessing you that are enjoyable and suitable for adults with busy lives.

Reading suggestions

Materials will be provided – handouts and resources on learning central.

Library and computing facilities

As a student on this course you are entitled to join and use the University’s library and computing facilities. Find out more about using these facilities.


Our aim is access for all. We aim to provide a confidential advice and support service for any student with a long term medical condition, disability or specific learning difficulty. We are able to offer one-to-one advice about disability, pre-enrolment visits, liaison with tutors and co-ordinating lecturers, material in alternative formats, arrangements for accessible courses, assessment arrangements, loan equipment and dyslexia screening.