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Professor Peter Ghazal OBE FMedSci


It is with sadness that Cardiff University marks the passing of Professor Peter Ghazal, a distinguished scientist and cherished colleague, who left an indelible mark on the field of systems medicine and immunology.

Peter passed away in April 2024, leaving behind a legacy of ground-breaking research and dedicated mentorship.

Peter Ghazal was born in 1961 and embarked on a remarkable career that spanned continents and significantly advanced our understanding of infectious diseases, particularly sepsis. In 2017, he joined Cardiff University, having previously held esteemed positions at Edinburgh University and the Scripps Research Institute in California.

During his tenure at Cardiff University’s School of Medicine, Peter held the prestigious Sêr Cymru II Chair in Systems Medicine at the Systems Immunity Research Institute. Here, he spearheaded Project Sepsis, a pioneering research endeavour aimed at enhancing sepsis awareness, diagnosis, and treatment strategies in Wales. His visionary leadership and interdisciplinary approach paved the way for critical advancements in sepsis research, benefiting countless individuals.

Peter was celebrated not only for his scientific contributions but also for his exemplary mentorship and collaborative spirit. He nurtured a generation of researchers, inspiring them with his innovative approach to data-intensive biology and his unwavering commitment to team science.

In 2023, Peter’s brilliance was recognized with an OBE for his outstanding services to systems immunology, a testament to his impactful work and dedication to improving public health.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Peter was known for his warmth, humour, and deep kindness. He leaves behind a community of colleagues, students, and collaborators who were profoundly influenced by his brilliance and generosity of spirit.

Peter’s legacy will continue through the ongoing pursuit of knowledge and innovation in systems medicine and immunology. He will be dearly missed but fondly remembered for his significant contributions to science and the lives he touched.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Peter's family and loved ones during this difficult time. May his legacy inspire future generations to pursue excellence and compassion in scientific discovery.

— Professor Valerie O’Donnell and Professor Rachel Errington on behalf of the Division of Infection and Immunity and the School of Medicine