Recognising and celebrating excellence in practice
21 September 2017
For the second year running Cardiff University, School of Healthcare Sciences held an event to recognise its partnerships with practice. It was a chance to celebrate the excellent opportunities offered to their students throughout the many health and social care environments across Wales.
Positive feedback from guests and nominees from the inaugural event in 2016 reinforced why the event should be continued;
‘Being recognised for the effort and commitment I have made to my course has only made me want to work even harder because you know that your efforts and appreciated and not over looked.’
‘Great way to celebrate success and nurture connections between the university and health boards’
‘It was so good to see clinical partners appreciated for their hard work’
The event took place in Park Plaza, Cardiff on Wednesday 20 September 2017 where over one hundred guests from across Wales attended for the awards ceremony. It was hosted by Professor Heather Waterman, Head of School and Dean, School of Healthcare Sciences who gave the opening address and Professor Dianne Watkins, Deputy Head: International and Engagement, School of Healthcare Sciences who presented the awards.
The event honoured those who had made an outstanding contribution to practice education and was a chance to celebrate successes of the school’s best mentors, educators, teams and students who through their achievements have made an impact on others, and ultimately influenced the care of patients and clients.
This year a special recognition award was also presented to Maureen Noonan, Radiotherapy Services Manager (RSM), Radiotherapy Department, Singleton Hospital, Swansea. Maureen’s support has been fundamental in the success and progression of student experience and placement education. The award was to demonstrate the School’s gratitude and appreciation for the years of support she has given.

Closing remarks were hosted by Alun Morgan MBE, Assistant Director of Therapies and Health Sciences/Professional Lead for Quality, Safety and Patient Experience, Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics Clinical Board, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board following the presentation of awards.
Dr Heather Waterman Dean and Head of School, School of Healthcare Sciences commented 'The afternoon provided the opportunity for the School to celebrate partnership working. Having set high expectations at last year’s event I was hoping that this year’s event would be just as successful and I was not disappointed.’
‘It was lovely to have the opportunity to thank all of our students and placement colleagues across Wales and also being able to recognise and award the individuals that go the extra mile with placement education.’

For further information on the celebratory event please contact the marketing team at