Grangetown Youth Forum - getting involved in their community
17 July 2017

The Grangetown Youth Forum has been involved with lots of exciting activities over the last few months. Here is an update:
Youth Forum Partner with Crime & Security Unit
Grangetown Youth Forum teamed up with the Crime and Security Research Institute to support them at a workshop about safety and crime in Grangetown. It was fun and informal and explored where crimes such as littering, fly tipping, prostitution, theft and vandalism take place in Grangetown. It was also an opportunity to think about how these crimes impact those living and working in the area. Small crimes such as fly tipping can really change how people feel about their community so it was a worthwhile discussion.
Trudy Lowe, Research Fellow at Crime and Security Institute said “Rafi and Saeed from the Youth Forum were both delightful young men who were engaged and very interested in the project.”
The Youth Forum members are now SENSOR champions and are at the forefront of developing their work with SENSOR if the institute can get interest and funding going forward. The young people were even invited to a debrief at Crime and Security Institute offices in Friary House. At this session they got some hands-on experience with the SENSOR app by entering the data they got in the Focus Group. They then were able to do a rudimentary analysis which means they had some output from the work to share with the community in Safety Week and hopefully generate interest for more! In addition to this they had some pointers on how to sell what they have done in their CVs and UCUS applications. Helen and Trudy have committed to acting as referees for their CV's and they were introduced to Prof. Martin Innes who presented them with certificates for their commitment.
Saeed said “I live in Grangetown and this piece of work will be good to help keep us even more safe and secure by improving policing priorities but also being involved in this as a SENSOR Champion is doubly good!!”

Youth Forum attend Cardiff University Open Day
Members of the Youth Forum at Grange Pavilion attended the Cardiff University Open Day to find out about courses and university life. Nirushan, Sharmarke and Rafi who are all studying at 6th Form and have aspirations of continuing into higher education wanted to explore what Cardiff Uni had to offer, all three youngsters were impressed with Cardiff University and will return again to the Open Day in September for a deeper consideration of the courses and university experience.
Rafi said “I spoke to a lecturer from Law and they provided me with lots of tips and tools to get into the course, basically what I need to do between now and applying – very useful stuff!!”
Cardiff Uni Law & Politics on Twitter said “Pleasure to discuss #LawatCardiff with your students. Looking forward to seeing you at the next #CUOpenDay”

Cardiff Council Leader Huw Thomas meets Youth Forum
Grange Pavilion Youth Forum were pleased to visit Cardiff and Vale College’s City Centre Campus on Thursday 6th July after an invite from Cardiff Youth Council. They were invited to hear from Cllr Huw Thomas, the Leader of Cardiff Council who set out his new administration’s ambitions and priorities for Cardiff.
Nirushan one of the young people that attended said “It was amazing to find out about the Council Leaders ambitions particularly as it mentions young people and making things better for us to prosper in Cardiff”

Growing Wales Together
Ali Abdi joined senior figures from across the public, private and third sectors as they came together to unite behind a common goal – to empower young people to play a fundamental role in Welsh growth.
The Growing Wales Together panel discussion, hosted by youth charity The Prince’s Trust Cymru, featured contributions from Julie James, Minister for Skills and Science, Ian Price, CBI Wales and Alwen Williams from BT Cymru. Ali Abdi, of Cardiff University, Sharon James, Cardiff and the Vale College and Phil Jones from The Prince’s Trust Cymru were also on the panel.
The discussion, attended by over 120 guests and held at The Principality Stadium, was chaired by former Permanent Secretary of the Welsh Government, Sir Derek Jones.
Youth charity The Prince’s Trust Cymru run a range of programmes across Wales to help young people get their lives on track. Three in four young people supported by the charity move into work, education or training.