Professor Michel Che winner of the RSC 2014 Faraday Lectureship Prize lectures in the School
27 January 2015

On Monday 26th January Professor Michel Che of the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 & Institut Universitaire de France gave his 2014 Faraday Lecture at the School of Chemistry.
Michel is a world-renowned scientist and the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Faraday Lectureship Prize. The title of his lecture was; Relevance of Geochemistry to the Life of a Catalyst: When Fire Meets Water.
His lecture drew parallels between advanced catalyst synthesis and the geochemical processes that lead to mineral formation. The fire and water of volcanic action and aqueous mineral chemistry can help inform our approaches to man-made materials of technological significance. The talk was interspersed with reference to historical figures in chemistry, their private lives and their roles in the political development of Europe. This was used to demonstrate that much of the technology that the chemical industry relies on has its roots in the very early days of chemical research.
After the lecture Professor Che was presented with his Faraday Medal by Professor Graham Hutchings, who is the current head of the Faraday Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry.