First EPSRC Inverse Problems Network Meeting to be held at Cardiff
6 April 2017

The first meeting of the EPSRC sponsored Inverse Problems Network will commence with lunch at on 24 April at Cardiff University.
The aim of the network is to bring together groups in the UK interested in the mathematics of both pure and applied problems which arise in Inverse problems, with the goal of producing greater synergy.
This year’s meeting will be held from Monday 24th April 2017 to Tuesday 25th April 2017 at Cardiff University and will include a wide range of speakers offering a fascinating insight into the world of inverse problems.
This year’s speakers:
Giovanni Alberti, University of Genoa
Marta Betcke, University College London
Anders Hansen, Cambridge University
David Kennedy, Cardiff University
Paul Ledger, Swansea University
Bill Lionheart, University of Manchester
Tristan van Leeuwen, Utrecht University
If you would like to attend the Inverse Problems Networking meeting, please register your interest here.