Launch of new Master of Research (MRes) degree
18 December 2014

The School of Optometry and Vision Sciences will launch an exciting new Master of Research (MRes) programme in March 2015.
Ideal for people who want to develop and conduct their own independent research, the MRes gives the opportunity to undertake a research project with support from experts in optometry and vision science.
The part time distance learning programme is delivered through a combination of online lectures, online journal clubs and face to face workshops, as well as a supervised research project. Assessment is through essays, oral presentations, problem-based tasks, a systematic review and a research dissertation.
The MRes is a unique programme that will incorporate existing high quality research-informed teaching with a substantial empirical research project, supported by a dedicated supervisor. Students will develop a critical understanding of research-related knowledge and skills, but still have room to discover or develop their own focus on a specific topic.
Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits. The programme consists of two core taught research modules (20 credits each), five optional modules (50 credits), a systematic review (30 credits) and a research project (80 credits).
The research expertise at the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences will help prepare students to develop a critical understanding of a wide range of research-related knowledge and skills, including tools for the implementation, management and dissemination of research. This course is ideal if you have previously considered undertaking a PhD but don't yet know which area to focus on, if you want to undertake independent research, or if you're just interested in developing your skills.
Full details about the course, including eligibility criteria and the application process, will be available on the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences website in the near future. In the meantime, please contact us at the email address or telephone number below with informal enquiries, or to register your interest.
The next deadline for applications is 2nd February 2015.
Tel: + 44 (0) 29 2087 0561