Summer School hailed as "inspiring" by delegates
19 July 2016

On July 11th, the MRC Centre opened its doors to 60 delegates from as far as Canada and the US for the 7th Annual MRC CNGG Summer School in Brain Disorder Research.
For four days, the attendees learned about ground breaking brain disorder research with talks from some of the most respected researchers in their respective fields of psychiatry and neuroscience, including Professor Sir Mike Owen and Professor Anita Thapar.
The delegates took part in clinical and scientific career workshops where they had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss career paths with more experienced clinical and scientific researchers.
Following this, there were interactive demonstrations of high-throughput sequencing and on making neurons from stem cells, and a tour of the recently opened Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC).
As well as the chance to gain an insight into research careers in psychiatry and neuroscience, this was also an opportunity for students, scientists and clinicians to come together and share their knowledge and discuss possibilities for collaboration.
Feedback on the Summer School was extremely positive, particularly from Claude, Aideen and Özer:
My participation at the 7th Annual MRC training has exceeded my expectations, as I was introduced to the cutting edge technology in Neuropsychiatry, genetics and genomics, current research in brain disorders, and new findings in both genetics and genome-wise study association (GWAS) of major psychiatric disorders.
I was inspired by researchers as well, and they motivated me at a greater level than I was before my participation.
On a clinical implication part, I have learned new treatment for some of the severe psychiatric disorders, and I am equipped with more knowledge required to improve my clinical practice in psychiatry as well.
Furthermore, as an MSc student in psychiatry at Cardiff University, I felt honoured to be a participant, as it has enhanced my professional network from different corners of the globe, and my knowledge has been improved.
I highly enjoyed it.
Dr Claude R. Shema, Canadian Psychiatric Association
First of all, when I saw the announcement for the summer school, I really thought it was a good way to get information about neuro-genetics and the latest research. Of course the school led on to given me a new perspective in the scientific field. I was very impressed by Professor George Kirov’s energy and approach. Being with academics who care about young people and want to motivate them for learning was inspiring. Because of this, I am thinking of learning much more about genetic research in psychiatry and am applying for a PhD programme in that field after residency. I hope one day I will find an opportunity to be with you again.
All the organisation was perfect, all the team were incredible. Also meeting new people in the same profession and having new friends made me very happy. Within this framework I am grateful to be a part of that lovely community.
Özer Karabaş, Marmara University
I'm a junior doctor working in the North West of England. I was expecting the summer school to be a good standard mainly because of its affiliation with the much-respected MRC; however, it still significantly exceeded my expectations. Lectures were at a similar level to those I've heard at national conferences, and the general summer school timetabling, provision of accommodation and networking opportunities were superb. Favourite lecturer was the fantastic Professor Anne Lingford-Hughes who provided a fascinating insight into current cutting-edge addiction research.
I'm lucky enough both to have graduated from a university which puts significant emphasis on the importance of developing academic clinicians-- individuals who work both as doctors but also as pioneering researchers-- and to now work as an academic junior doctor. However, the next career step- choosing to specialise in a specific area of medicine, whilst maintaining an interest in and an ability to research, can be extremely difficult. I felt that the MRC Summer School was useful in highlighting ways this could, in practice, be achieved-- and I hope to successfully apply this in the next couple of years.
Dr Aideen Carroll, Royal Bolton Hospital
Summer School 2017
Our next Summer School will take place in 2017 and the dates and details of how to apply will be finalised later this year.