Autism hub launches
19 September 2013

Specialists in the field of developmental disability are joining forces to improve outcomes for autism.
A launch event hosted by the University will unveil a website for professionals working with children and adults with autism, named the Research-Policy-Practice Hub
The Hub will be used by researchers and non-research professionals as a platform for sharing knowledge across a number of areas of expertise and raising awareness about autism research.
This is the new project of the University's Wales Autism Research Centre, based at the School of Psychology.
Professor Sue Leekam from the School of Psychology, who leads the project, said:
"Not only will the Hub open up access to a wealth of information about autism, it will connect up people who work in the field to researchers, enabling them to pool their knowledge and work more effectively together.
"The project will have a global reach, through the hub's internet presence, allowing UK researchers and non-researchers to draw on the experience of autism in other parts of the world."
Gwenda Thomas AM, Welsh Government's Deputy Minister for Social Services, said:
"The Hub will play a vital role in gathering evidence and connecting research, policy and practice professionals.
"I am grateful that the focus of the research being undertaken by the Wales Autism Research Centre is relevant to and helping us to progress our vision for individuals with autism set out in our 2008 ASD strategic action plan.
"Based on feedback from stakeholder events held at the end of last year we are drawing up a refreshed action plan which will go out to wide consultation in the new year."
Hosted by the Wales Autism Research Centre, the launch event will be introduced by Gwenda Thomas AM, and Professor Sue Leekam, convening on Thursday 19th September.
This will be followed by a project presentation and online demonstration. Representatives from each community will talk about issues relevant to their field of expertise and their engagement with the hub.
The Hub is jointly funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Welsh Government.