Thrice to Rome embarks on ecclesiastical tour
22 May 2024

A play written by a Cardiff Law Professor has gone on tour to a number of significant ecclesiastical sites with new cast members joining for each performance.
This March, Thrice to Rome, the dramatisation of the 3 appearances of Gerald of Wales before the court of Pope Innocent III in 1201-03, was written by Cardiff Professor Norman Doe and was performed in London’s Temple Church and again in St David’s Cathedral, Pembrokeshire.
On 5 March, canon lawyers, academics, and at least one archdeacon were spotted at the performance in London! Starring roles were given to Rhodri Price Lewis KC, Deputy High Court Judge 2013-22 who played Gerald in gown and green stole, and Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, Lord Chief Justice 2013-17, who played Pope Innocent III. They were joined by Sir Robert Buckland KC MP, Lord Chancellor 2019-21, Morag Ellis KC, Dean of the Arches and Auditor, Jacqueline Humphreys, Chancellor of the diocese of Worcester, Philip Petchey, Chancellor of the diocese of Southwark, Gregory Dorey, Sub-Treasurer, Inner Temple, the Revd Mark Hatcher, Reader of the Temple and the Revd Robin Griffith-Jones, Master of the Temple.
At the end of the month, the play was also performed at St Davids Cathedral, Pembrokeshire on 23 March. This time the cast included Welsh rugby legend Gerald Davies, and former President of the Welsh Rugby Union (who played the part of Lyndwood) and Professor Paul Russell, Emeritus Professor of Celtic Studies at Cambridge, and a renowned scholar on Gerald of Wales (who played the part of Pope Innocent III).
Professor Doe, Director of the Centre for Law and Religion, a Master of the Bench at the Inner Temple, and Chancellor of the diocese of Bangor said, “I hope the play will have an impact in terms of cultural awareness of the Welsh struggle for independence against ecclesiastical colonialism using law as the means.”
Thrice to Rome will also be performed in Canterbury on 12 July 2024 and in Rome on 25 September 2024 (at the Supreme Tribunal of the Catholic Church).
Photo from left to right: Revd Richard Davies (Vicar of Little Newcastle); Norman Doe (School of Law and Politics); Rosie Davies (Assistant Head Teacher, Ysgol Dyffryn Taf); Gerald Davies (Former WRU President); Very Revd Sarah Rowlands (Dean of St Davids Cathedral); Christoper Limbert (Vicar Choral and Cathedral Office Manager, St Davids Cathedral); Arwel Davies (Chapter Clerk, St Davids Cathedral); Stephen Homer (Retired Librarian); Paul Russell (Cambridge University).