The Referendum that Changed a Nation: Seismic changes in Scottish politics explained in new book
11 January 2023

A new book to be launched at a public event by Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre this month provides an in-depth analysis of the seismic 2014 Independence Referendum and the subsequent shocks it sent throughout Scottish society.
Drawing on data from the Scottish Referendum and Election Studies, the book provides the first long-term analysis of how voters engaged with the independence referendum in 2014 and what impact this has had on vote choice, polarisation, and engagement in Scotland since then.
Now, Professor Ailsa Henderson (University of Edinburgh) and Dr Jac Larner (Cardiff University), two of the authors of The Referendum that Changed a Nation (Palgrave MacMillan) alongside Professor Robert Johns (University of Essex) and Professor Christopher Carman (University of Glasgow), will give a detailed overview of the new book, using data to explain how voters responded to cues from parties and leaders, and how independence became the primary political fault line in Scotland.
All are warmly welcome at the event for a discussion which will be of vital importance to understanding politics in Scotland, and also its implications for Wales and the UK.
The event will take place on January 25th, 17:00-19:00, at the Main Building Council Chamber, Cardiff University.