TEDxCardiff partnership
27 April 2012

Cardiff University partnered with TEDxCardiff for the first time (31 March 2012) to deliver an array of inspirational talks to a capacity audience at the Wales Millennium Centre.
TEDx was launched by the global organisation TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) with the mission: "ideas worth spreading." TEDx allows independent groups to organise their own TED events and videos of the talks and performances at TEDxCardiff are available online.
Watch our speakers at TEDxCardiff 2012
Dr Jacqui Mulville

Professor Jonathan Shepherd
Professor Justin Lewis
Professor B.S. Sathyaprakash
More than 3,000 people watched the webcast on the day of the event, watch again this sell out event including talks from academics from the University: Professor Justin Lewis from the School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies; Dr Jacqui Mulville from the School of History, Archaeology & Religion; Professor Bangalore Sathyaprakash from the School of Physics & Astronomy and Professor Jonathan Shepherd from the School of Dentistry.
After tickets went on sale in January the event sold out in just 20 minutes, breaking the record for fastest selling tickets and confirming the event as a highlight in Cardiff's calendar.
The event received excellent feedback including audience comments about the academic speakers:
"Justin Lewis – An amazing speaker with some truly interesting points which I can take away and read up on further."
"My other favourite speaker was Jonathan Shepherd. What he has achieved with such little cost in Cardiff is inspirational. It gives hope to us all that simple ideas can make massive differences, if we only have the get up and go to do something about them."
"All of the speakers were from such varied backgrounds, it really felt like you were being educated as well as entertained. It was really an enriching experience."
Further videos and information about the speakers and sessions can be found on the TEDxCardiff website.