Innovative game-based learning for MSc students
22 April 2016

Marine Policy and International Transport students trial a new Liner Shipping Game with academics from Aalborg University
The Postgraduate Teaching Centre was the setting for an innovative game-based learning exercise hosted by Dr Jane Haider and Dr Robert Mason, from the Logistics and Operations Management section, on 21 April 2016.
Students from the MSc Marine Policy and MSc International Transport programmes were invited to attend the half-day session and play Liner Shipping Game. Dr Niels Rytter and Dr Gang Chen, from the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Denmark’s Aalborg University, led the session. There were 30 students in attendance.
The Liner Shipping Game was developed by Aalborg University, in collaboration with Ange Optimization and Maersk Line, as a practical complement to academic teaching in areas such as Liner Shipping, Revenue Management and Stowage Optimisation.
The Lego based game consists of a Liner Shipping service that includes four vessels with numbered dry and reef containers as well as container terminals, terminal yards and a common depot.
The game requires 12-13 players who then undertake the following business processes – booking uptake management, stowage planning and operational execution. The objective is to form a cohesive and efficient team dynamic in order to improve the total profit across the shipping line network.
The session provided students with the opportunity for the practical application and testing of academic theory and class based learning. The Business School is committed to developing new ways of learning and helping students to translate their academic tuition to real life business situations.