Quarter 2 Newsletter 2020
7 July 2020

Visiting our facility post lockdown
Our facility has been open throughout lockdown to support essential work both from Cardiff University and external businesses.
Cardiff University researchers can now access our facility if their research projects have been approved. We require all such researchers to contact one of our CBS technologists prior to starting work in our facility. Thank you. This will enable us to introduce you to the measures that we have in place to keep everyone safe. As ever it remains important for you to book all CBS equipment before you access it. We look forward to welcoming you back!
We encourage external businesses to continue to contact us about our services. We are here to help you. Thank you for your support. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Technical training resources available
Thank you to the many of you who have attended our technical webinars during lockdown. It has been great to see so much active participation in these from Cardiff University and way beyond. We hope that you have found them helpful as many of us adjust to working from home.We have hosted technical webinars covering a wide range of our technologies including ImageStream® imaging flow cytometry, FlowJo® software and Meso Scale Discovery® technologies. InCytometry has also made a range of short videos on topics including gating, overlays and compensation.
Please contact us if you'd like to catch up on any webinars you have missed and please do continue to contact us if you want to discuss incorporating these technologies into your research.
New ways of working
In lockdown we have continued to promote our facility and Cardiff University, to collaborate, and to learn as much as we can from our homes. From the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) virtual conference to collaboration events organised by Core Technologies Life Sciences (CTLS) and the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) to local networking events organised by MediWales and Swansea University, we have enjoyed seeing how enthusiastically new ways of working have been embraced. Collaboration and information sharing have been key as we all learn how to operate post-lockdown and it is fantastic to learn how much research and manufacturing is being successfully redirected and repurposed to support the Covid-19 pandemic.
As we start to move out of lockdown in line with Cardiff University policy and begin to welcome more of you back to our facility, we remain keen to continue to give scientific and technical advice and discuss your future research plans.
Keep in contact, thank you!