Ambassadors for the language
18 February 2020

Three undergraduate students studying at the School of Welsh have been appointed as Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Ambassadors for 2020/21.
The ambassador role is designed to promote the Welsh language in Higher Education with the aim of encouraging greater numbers of students to choose to study through the medium of Welsh at university.
This year, some 15 ambassadors were selected from universities across Wales. Three of them are current Joint Honours students at the School of Welsh:
- Annell Dyfri (BA Welsh and the Professional Workplace)
- Heledd Ainsworth (LLB Law and Welsh)
- Mali Llyfni (BA Welsh and History)
They will represent the Coleg at a range of different events and activities during the forthcoming year, including school visits, UCAS fairs and national events such as the Eisteddfod.
The students agree that it is important to promote the opportunities available to study through the medium of Welsh. They want to encourage prospective students to consider the ways in which studying through the medium of Welsh can benefit them professionally, socially and culturally.
Heledd said: "With Welsh becoming more mainstream and a part of everyday lives there is an obvious need for prominent Welsh practitioners, particularly within the professions. This is my main motivation to study through the medium of Welsh and refine my skills.
"The ambassadorial roles are important to raising awareness of the range of opportunities now available to study through the medium of Welsh. It’s clear that potential students are much more likely to take advice from a peer which is why the ambassadors are so important.”
Annell added: “The Coleg Cymraeg’s ambassadors are vital in ensuring that potential students are aware of the benefits of studying their degree, or part of it, through the medium of Welsh. As Wales develops as a bilingual country, the demand for a bilingual workforce is certain to increase and the ambassadors have an important role to play in the process of encouraging future students to continue their studies through Welsh.”