Crime and Security Reporting 2019
10 January 2020

The third edition of the Crime and Security Research Institute’s (CSRI) annual reporting magazine is available for free download now. In this edition you will find details of the Institute’s latest multi-disciplinary research projects, along with recent news and upcoming events.
Features in this edition include:
How Russia’s Internet Research Agency Built its Disinformation Campaign
Two projects undertaken by the CSRI provide an overview of the CSRI’s research into the Kremlin backed Internet Research Agency’s (IRA) long-term influence and interference measures directed towards European politics and elections. The research highlights some of the techniques and tactics that have been used in IRA information influence operations and evidences the growth of their operational capacity in Europe.
Evaluating the Use of Automated Facial Recognition Technology in Major Policing Operations
Academics at the CSRI have conducted the world’s first independent academic evaluation of Automated Facial Recognition (AFR) technology across a variety of major policing operations.
The project was undertaken by the CSRI’s Universities’ Police Science Institute (UPSI) and evaluated the South Wales Police (SWP) deployment of AFR across several major sporting and entertainment events over a 10-month period. Researchers used a mixed-method approach to develop a rich picture and systematically evaluate the use of AFR by police across multiple operational settings.
DAIS ITA: Highlights From the Third Annual Meeting
The International Technology Alliance in Distributed Analytics and Information Sciences (DAIS ITA) is a collaborative partnership between the United States Army and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence. DAIS ITA is conducting multidisciplinary research to provide the fundamental underpinnings for future coalition distributed analytics and situational understanding in the context of ad hoc coalition operations at the tactical edge.
Electronic Longitudinal Alcohol Study in Communities
In recognition of the multitude of adverse effects alcohol has on health, the Violence Research Group (VRG), in collaboration with Swansea and Bristol Universities, have constructed an alcohol-specific analytical platform to facilitate research into the patterns of alcohol use, harms to consumers and those in their immediate environment.
Using the UK’s wide range of available longitudinal data, academics have sought to create a recordlinked, population-based research protocol for alcohol related harms on a secure platform.
More information on all of the above, as well as the rest of the Institute’s latest research activities, news and events can be found in our reporting magazine, which is available for download now.