EGU Outstanding Young Scientist Award
12 November 2015

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has awarded Åke Fagereng the Tectonics and Structural Geology Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award for fundamental contributions to the understanding of the processes and physical conditions prevailing around Earth's active plate boundaries. Åke will deliver the 2016 Outstanding Young Scientist Award keynote presentation and receive his medal at the awards dinner during the EGU 2016 General Assembly in Vienna next spring.
Åke is interested in how the Earth deforms and how this deformation is recorded in rocks observed at the Earth's surface. His research involves field investigations of active and ancient deformation structures, microstructural investigation of deformed rocks, and a range of geochemical and imaging techniques. Åke is studying the range of seismic styles in subduction zones, how rifts form and are controlled, why large earthquakes occur far from plate boundaries, and the interplay between fluids and deformation.