Music Library Excellence
26 July 2019
Our Music Library has been presented with a 2019 Excellence Award.
Presented by the International Association of Music Libraries every three years, the Excellence awards acknowledge activity in music libraries which demonstrate sustained good work and good practice with the potential to be adopted by others.
Judges of the competition commented that the it is “an excellent library with staff that are brimming with imaginative ideas for developing the library and engaging with its users.
“There is a thorough demonstration of good practice, development, and innovation, as well as many charming, human and engaging points.”
Our music research library has over 3000 journals, 9000+ books and more than 18000 music scores.
After recent student feedback, the library was also recently successful in making Sibelius software available to Music students at any library computer throughout the University.
The library currently offers weekly drop-in surgeries with the Subject Librarian and gives out an annual ‘Library User of the Year Award’ to an outstanding and dedicated library user in their final year of undergraduate study.
In the recent National Student Survey, the School of Music reached the top-placed ranking among Russell Group music departments for Learning Resources.