Alumni Composition Competition 2019
13 June 2019

The School of Music are delighted to once again invite alumni and graduates of the School to enter our alumni composition competition.
The winning composition will be performed by Cardiff University Symphonic Winds at a concert in the Hoddinott Hall at the Wales Millennium Centre on 27 March 2020.
The competition was launched last year to great success, with entries from alumni of the School spanning over 30 years. The winning piece by Cardiff-born composer Gareth Olubunmi Hughes (PhD Music 2016) was performed by Cardiff University Symphony Orchestra in St David’s Hall.
All alumni of the School of Music are invited to enter. Works that have been performed previously, along with previously unperformed works, are both welcome.
Cardiff University School of Music has a distinguished roster of composer alumni from past and present, including Morfydd Owen, Grace Williams, Alun Hoddinott, Hilary Tann and Philip Cashian.
We also have a strong community of current and recent undergraduate and postgraduate composers.
Technical information
Duration: Submissions should be between 7’ and 15’ minutes.
Instrumentation: Works should be scored for standard Symphonic Winds set up:
3(inc. picc).2.3(inc. bc and E flat clarinet)2/ x alto sax, tenor sax, bari sax/Hp.String Bass.Timp.3Perc
Scores will be anonymised and submitted for consideration by a panel which will include the conductor of the University’s Symphonic Winds, as well as members of staff from the School of Music.
The composer of the winning work must be available to attend the final rehearsals and the performance, and may be asked to make minor changes to the score as needed for rehearsals and final performance.
Please submit a PDF of a full score, along with a 100-word biography and composer’s year of graduation to by 4pm on Monday 14th October 2019.