Rhys Jones' Wildlife Patrol goes Stateside
15 May 2019

A wildlife show created by Cardiff University lecturer, Dr Rhys Jones, is going global after Dreamscape acquired the rights to distribute the series across the United States.
Launched in 2010, Rhys Jones’ Wildlife Patrol is a self-titled wildlife series that ran for 5 years and saw Dr Rhys Jones teaming up with law enforcement agencies to take a stand against wildlife crime and return exotic animals to their homes.
“As part of the programme, we undertook a number of investigations, including travelling to Kenya to report an alarming increase in rhino poaching, and investigating the risk posed to biodiversity by climate change, using real-life examples of local extinction events in Italy’s Dolomite mountain range,” explained Dr Jones.
“In total our investigations resulted in eight criminals being imprisoned for wildlife crime offenses, and were instrumental in securing the first successful prosecutions for Section 14 offences of the Wildlife and Countryside Act for the deliberate release of breeding non-native animals in British legal history.”
“I’m absolutely thrilled that the series has been picked up by Dreamscape for US distribution”, continued Dr Jones. “Wildlife crime is a global issue, and this development will allow us to bring the impact and legacy of our work to a whole new audience of nature lovers.”