Digital storytelling app to be presented at San Francisco Expo
17 October 2018

Traces, a bilingual digital storytelling app that takes you on a journey around St Fagans National Museum of History will be presented at a Digital Heritage expo in San Francisco this month.
Digital Heritage ‘New Realities: Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age is the leading global event on digital technology for documenting, conserving and sharing heritage.
Traces began in 2016 when funding was gained from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) by Cardiff University’s Dr Jenny Kidd for a collaboration between Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales and creative agency yello brick.
Traces is a cross between an immersive storytelling experience, meditation app and mobile game. It uses audio to guide visitors on a journey around the open-air museum by using stories curated from archives, present day and fictional content.
Visitors need to download the free app before they visit the site, bring headphones on the day and can choose to go on a solo or partner journey.

"Traces has allowed us to explore a number of important questions relating to digital heritage: what can immersive heritage do, and what can’t it do? What happens when truth and fiction collide in digital heritage work and how do visitors respond when invited to do things differently? We look forward to presenting our findings from participant research at the Expo on these timely themes."
Traces has already been presented to audiences in Norway, Denmark and across the UK and so far over one thousand people have downloaded the app and completed Traces.
The Digital Heritage Expo will take place at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco on 26-30 October 2018.