New beer celebrates Cardiff Graduation
12 July 2018

A beer brewed with scientific knowhow is being launched to mark Cardiff University’s Graduation 2018.
Hops and botanicals have been selected by experts to create a fresh, floral pale ale for students and their families to savour this July.
The celebratory batch of 4,500 bottles has been made by Bridgend’s Bang-On Brewery in partnership with the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Les Baillie, Professor in Microbiology, said: “We originally worked with Bang-On Brewery to produce a beer, Mêl, using honey from our @Pharmabees project at the BBC Good Food show last December.
“The graduation beer is a natural extension of that project. It fits with our mission to place @Pharmabees hives across Cardiff in a quest to find a therapeutic Welsh honey to rival New Zealand’s famous Manuka variety.
“We are trying to identify plant-derived drugs which could treat antibiotic-resistant hospital pathogens. The new ale is part of our goal to develop products that generate income to support future projects.”
A proportion of profits from sales from the 4.2% ABV pale ale will help support biodiversity work and educate future students about the joys of studying science and technology.
Bang-On Brewery founder Neil Randle said: “The graduation batch contains some of the botanicals and the most beneficial hops identified by Les and his team.
“We are already making bespoke beers for businesses, cafes, restaurants and even a personalised range for individuals with batches of as little as 12.
“So we thought it would be a great idea to make a commemorative beer to help graduates and their families celebrate their big day.”
Numerous species of bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics in recent decades. Professor Baillie’s work focuses on preventing and controlling antimicrobial-resistance in hospitals.
The @Pharmabees bee-friendly campus project has received national recognition and scooped the Sustainability award at the Guardian University Awards 2017.
Graduation pale ale will go on sale in the VJ Gallery, Cardiff University Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT during graduation week (16-20 July), priced at £3.50 per bottle. A small stock of honey beer will also be on sale at £4 per bottle.