3 September 2020
Latest observations ‘challenge our understanding of the Universe’
30 July 2020
Astronomers make breakthrough finding in the 33-year-old mystery surrounding Supernova 1987A
15 July 2020
New observations of the afterglow of the Big Bang place the universe at 13.8 billion years old
14 July 2020
Astronomers zoom in on black hole with one of the lowest masses ever observed in nearby “ghost” galaxy
2 July 2020
New role for Professor Diana Huffaker
26 June 2020
UKRI funding will build CS powerhouse in South Wales
23 June 2020
PhD student Charlie Hoy plays key role in record-breaking discovery that points to either the lightest black hole or heaviest neutron star ever detected
27 May 2020
School of Physics and Astronomy becomes first in Wales to be awarded Juno Champion status by Institute of Physics
10 March 2020
Professor Hartmut Grote has published a new book about the detection of gravitational waves which is aimed at students and the general public.
9 January 2020
Cardiff University researchers detect gravitational waves emanating from the merger of two neutron stars in a distant galaxy
19 November 2019
Astronomers uncover the relic at the heart of Supernova 1987A that has been hidden for over 30 years
4 November 2019
New observations using state-of-the-art techniques could help to build better electronics in smartphones, GPS and satellites
31 October 2019
Partnership forges brighter future
30 October 2019
EPSRC grants New Investigator Award
25 October 2019
Prof Bernard Schutz is honoured by the American Physical Society for gravitational wave contributions
22 October 2019
World-leading astrophysicist is shown new tech designed to further our understanding of the Universe
15 October 2019
Learners attend space conference as part of Trio Sci Cymru
Cardiff opens Centre for Doctoral Training
19 September 2019
Over £3.5m awarded for cutting-edge research into future technologies
4 September 2019
Two projects from Cardiff University win major funding totalling €3.38m
It is a friendly, approachable School with a strong commitment to teaching excellence and world class research in physics and astronomy.