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School of Physics & Astronomy news

Colliding black holes

Ripples from deep in the cosmos reveals most massive black hole detected yet

3 September 2020

Latest observations ‘challenge our understanding of the Universe’

Artist's image of a supernova

Has a Cardiff Astronomer discovered the youngest ever neutron star?

30 July 2020

Astronomers make breakthrough finding in the 33-year-old mystery surrounding Supernova 1987A

CMB Measurements

Nature’s oldest light gives new insight into the age of the universe

15 July 2020

New observations of the afterglow of the Big Bang place the universe at 13.8 billion years old

Black hole image

Breakthrough in deciphering birth of supermassive black holes

14 July 2020

Astronomers zoom in on black hole with one of the lowest masses ever observed in nearby “ghost” galaxy

Professor Diana Huffaker

Sêr Cymru Chair joins University of Texas

2 July 2020

New role for Professor Diana Huffaker

CS Connect chip

Cardiff-led consortium wins £44m bid to develop CS chip cluster

26 June 2020

UKRI funding will build CS powerhouse in South Wales

Image of black hole neutron star

Cardiff student at the centre of LIGO’s mysterious new discovery

23 June 2020

PhD student Charlie Hoy plays key role in record-breaking discovery that points to either the lightest black hole or heaviest neutron star ever detected

Person working in a lab stock image

Cardiff achieves ‘Champion’ status for gender equality in physics

27 May 2020

School of Physics and Astronomy becomes first in Wales to be awarded Juno Champion status by Institute of Physics

A new and accessible introduction to the detection of gravitational waves

10 March 2020

Professor Hartmut Grote has published a new book about the detection of gravitational waves which is aimed at students and the general public.

Artist's rendition of a binary neutron star merger

Scientists spot spectacular neutron star collision

9 January 2020

Cardiff University researchers detect gravitational waves emanating from the merger of two neutron stars in a distant galaxy

Neutron star image

Scientists find evidence of missing neutron star

19 November 2019

Astronomers uncover the relic at the heart of Supernova 1987A that has been hidden for over 30 years


Scientists spy unstable semiconductors

4 November 2019

New observations using state-of-the-art techniques could help to build better electronics in smartphones, GPS and satellites

LED light painting

Kubos and CSC develop LED technologies

31 October 2019

Partnership forges brighter future

Aixtron machine

Honour for Sêr Cymru lecturer

30 October 2019

EPSRC grants New Investigator Award

Bernard Schutz

US award for Cardiff physicist

25 October 2019

Prof Bernard Schutz is honoured by the American Physical Society for gravitational wave contributions

Professor Kip Thorne

Nobel Prize-winner Kip Thorne opens new Cardiff physics lab

22 October 2019

World-leading astrophysicist is shown new tech designed to further our understanding of the Universe

Pupils prepare to have their picture taken with UK astronaut Tim Peake.

Astronaut Tim Peake talks to pupils

15 October 2019

Learners attend space conference as part of Trio Sci Cymru

Cohort one of EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)

Students join hub for CS excellence

15 October 2019

Cardiff opens Centre for Doctoral Training

Rossi Setchi and colleague

Cardiff to open new centre for AI and robotics

19 September 2019

Over £3.5m awarded for cutting-edge research into future technologies

Person looking at night sky

Researchers to investigate solitude and the physics of the Universe

4 September 2019

Two projects from Cardiff University win major funding totalling €3.38m