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25th anniversary of Science in Health LIVE!

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Since 1995, Cardiff University’s School of Medicine has welcomed sixth-form pupils from schools across Wales with the aim of engaging and inspiring them with the exciting science underpinning clinical management of disease and medical research.

A key feature of this event is to show how scientific curiosity can sometimes quite unexpectedly lead to major breakthroughs in medicine. A classic example includes how the study of a luminous jellyfish led researchers in the School of Medicine to develop a technology now used in several hundred million clinical tests per year worldwide.

This year, the event celebrated its 25th anniversary and pupils once again participated in laboratory tours to gain a feel for the excitement and challenges of biomedical research, visited a wide range of interactive exhibitions, listened to a series of talks on various hot topics in biomedical science and met and questioned scientists and clinicians from across the whole spectrum of scientific and healthcare careers.

Video of the 25th anniversary Science in Health LIVE event.

Over the years, it has become clear that Science in Heath LIVE!, alongside other Science in Health initiatives, is having a positive impact on influencing career choices and supporting pupils to realise those choices in terms of gaining university entrance.

Thomas Grother, a fifth-year medical student, who intercalated in medical education last year, said: “I attended the Science in Health LIVE! event when I was a sixth-former. It gave me the opportunity to explore lots of different science courses on offer in university. I had already considered medicine, and it was great to have the opportunity to have hands-on experiences and ask staff and students questions throughout the day. I went on to apply to study medicine, and was offered a place here in Cardiff. If you think you may want to study a science course in university, then definitely come along to Science in Health LIVE!”

This is a shortened version of the full article that features in edition 32 of ReMEDy.

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ReMEDy edition 32

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