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News and features

Prisoner's hands clasped around prison bars

Self-harm incidents in Welsh prisons reach new high

7 August 2019

Academic calls for all Wales-only data to be freely available

Coins and notes

New report analyses £13.7 billion deficit in Wales’ public finances

29 July 2019

Austerity cuts have reduced spending and deficit significantly, experts say

Law Professor meets Presiding Bishop of Norway

23 July 2019

This June, Professor Norman Doe had a private meeting with The Most Revd Helga Haugland Byfuglien, Presiding Bishop of the Bishops' Conference of the Church of Norway.

Money and graph

Shortfall in public finances in Wales due to lower revenues, report finds

2 July 2019

Fiscal gap demonstrates regional imbalance in the UK, academics say


Share of Welsh workforce in the public sector reaches historic low

19 June 2019

Report reveals effects of budget cuts on employment

Canon Law Professor meets with Pope Francis

12 June 2019

This April, Professor of Canon Law, Norman Doe travelled to Rome to meet with Pope Francis.

Person in handcuffs

Lack of support for vulnerable adults in police custody

3 June 2019

Cardiff University academic evaluates ‘appropriate adult’ safeguard

Cardiff Reader speaks at African Blue Economy workshop

1 June 2019

A School of Law and Politics Reader was invited to South Africa this May to deliver two expert presentations at Africa’s Deep Seabed Resources (ADSR) Workshop.

Law Society prize for senior lecturer

28 May 2019

Cardiff and District Law Society has named David Dixon, Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University’s School of Law, Politics and International Relations, as the recipient of the Simon Mumford Memorial Award 2019.

Miscarriage of Justice campaign hosts conference in Cardiff

17 May 2019

Miscarriages of justice took centre stage this March at a conference held at the School of Law and Politics.